George McClellan...replaced by...
John Pope...after Second Manassas, replaced by..
George McClellan...after Antietam, replaced by...
Ambrose Burnside..after Fredericksberg, replaced by...
Joe Hooker..after Chancellorsville, replaced by...
George Meade...Meade held the title through the war but Grant was really in charge during the Overland Campaign.
alot IMPROVEMENT The Union Army of the Potomac suffered 2,246 killed, of which 2 generals, 12,073 ,wounded, of which 2 generals, 3,383 prisoners , of which two generals. The Confederates suffered about 7,800 dead and wounded, of which 3 generals killed and 4 wounded, plus an undefined number of prisoners and missing.
Army of the Potomac
They were all senior Union Generals. Apart from that, nothing much. Scott, Halleck and Grant all occupied the post of General-in-Chief. McClellan and Burnside both commanded the Army of the Potomac.
Union generals McClellan, Burnside and Hooker were all graduates of West Point and all of them had been appointed by President Lincoln to lead the Army of the Potomac. Each of them had also been relieved of being commander of that same army. In order there was 1. McClellan 2. Burnside and 3. Hooker.
On July 26th 1861, George McClellan was appointed commander of the army of the Potomac. He was a Human.
No, the Army of Northern Virginia. He was eventually defeated by the Army of the Potomac. Under US Grant, the Army of the Potomac forced the surrender of Robert E. Lee. Lee's army was desolated by the heavy combat in Virginia. With no food or reinforcements, Lee had no choice. Grant handled this well with kindness.
Army of the Potomac ended in 1865.
Army of the Potomac was created in 1861.
The Union had several field armies, including the Army of the Potomac. After McClellan it was commanded by Ambrose Burnside, Joseph Hooker, George Meade. When Grant came east he was made general in chief over all Union armies, but made his HQ with the Army of the Potomac and traveled with it. Meade remained in command of the Army of the Potomac, but had Grant right with him, supervising.
The most high profile Union general replacements involved the position of general in chief and generals commanding the Army of the Potomac. The powerful Army of the Potomac faced serious defeats in Virginia causing President Lincoln to find new generals for this army frequently. In the case of generals in chief, four generals held that position in the US Civil War. They were Winfield Scott, George B. McClellan, Henry W. Halleck and lastly US Grant. It is important to remember that these changes in command took place in a war of only four years.
The Union field army involved was the Army of the Potomac, at that time under the command of Major General Joseph Hooker. Under "related links" below is a link to a Union "Order of Battle" for the Army of the Potomac at Chancellorsville which lists all units in a particular command at a certain moment in time.
The Army of the Potomac.
George McClellan, he was later fired for slow reaction time, hired back by Lincoln, then fired again for not doing anything when he had a chance to crush the Confederacy. And after he was fired I believe it was George Meade.
alot IMPROVEMENT The Union Army of the Potomac suffered 2,246 killed, of which 2 generals, 12,073 ,wounded, of which 2 generals, 3,383 prisoners , of which two generals. The Confederates suffered about 7,800 dead and wounded, of which 3 generals killed and 4 wounded, plus an undefined number of prisoners and missing.
Army of the Potomac
Army of the Potomac