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Q: What of the north or the south was better equipped economically for war?
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What were the two strengths of the north and of the south?

North- More troops Better equipped and supplied South- Knew the land better Had better generals

In the civil war who had more man power north or south?

The North was better equipped with more men.

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South Korea is economically more advanced.

How did the north and south differ economically?

the south wanted slavery because thet thought it was write and the north said it was knot right to be trited that crull

How did the north and the south have different economically?

the south wanted slavery because thet thought it was write and the north said it was knot right to be trited that crull

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The rich in the south sold cotton to Britain, whereas the rich in the north didn't.

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the north and south were economically and socially distinct from each other

What term is used to describe the fact that countries of the south are economically dependent on the countries of the north?

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Why was the north in a better position to fight then the south?

The North was more industrialized then the south.

Who had better military leadership north or south?


Who had the better railroad system north or south?

The North had a better rail system then the north, The south used more rivers then rails in the civil war

Did the south have better soldiers in the civil war?

No as the war went on the south troops became increasingly younger and poorly equipped.