many men were in the military
By working in factories and sending food and clothing to soldiers overseas.
Women were, and are never DRAFTED. only men.
Yes but they were not recruided to fight.
During the Vietnam War, WWII, etc. all US military women were either WACs, WAVES, or WAFs.
No....resulted from the return home of all overseas military
Its costing us billions of dollars, its taking the lives of our men and women, and the operations are pointless.
About 350 thousand US women saw military service during WWII.
In World War I, as men left their jobs to fight overseas, women had know chose but to replace them.
with perservirence from Churhill
many men were in the military
By working in factories and sending food and clothing to soldiers overseas.
Women were always active in the military, even as early as the late 1700s. During the Revolutionary War, women served roles as cooks, nurses, and seamstresses. Women served during the Civil War and were recruited in World War I and II.