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World War I was dominated by the machine gun and the artillery piece. Machine guns made yards of ground

Between the wars tanks and airplanes. These vehicles could go much farther and much faster than a walking infantry man and they were armored and carried heavy guns. This made trenches and other fixed fortifications obsolete. The tanks could simply out-maneuver ground troops and fixed emplacements.

World War II was a war of incredibly fast maneuvering. The Germans coined the term "blitzkrieg", or lightning war, to describe it.

Lot of myths being propagated here. WWI actually saw repeated campaigns of movement, particularly on the Eastern Front. In contrast, WWII certainly had periods of stalemate and even trench warfare.

WWII saw many technological advances which had a profound effect on tactics and strategy. In particular, RADAR, radios, and SONAR/ASDIC made significant impacts. The advent of the aircraft carrier and the improvements made to submarines and torpedoes significantly changed the shape of naval warfare.

The tank and other armored vehicles saw armies become more mechanized and mobile, leading to a high degree of operational maneuver warfare. The Germans didn't coin the term "blitzkrieg" (this was coined by the Western press) and it is rarely found in any of their publications of the time period. They were proponents of Bewegungskrieg, the "war of movement". They sought to avoid Stellungskrieg, or the "war of position".

Airpower also became highly developed and deployed on both the tactical and strategic levels. It had a far greater impact on the fighting than it did during WWI.

It would take many pages to fully answer the question, but this gives you a quick, general idea.

USA. The colt 45 model 1911 was employed in WW-I, WW-II, Korea, Viet-Nam and into the modern era, and is still in use with some units today. The BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) was used late in WWI, throughout WW-II and in Korea. The Springfield 308 bolt actin rifle was used in both Wars. The US Navy had a number of ships that served in both wars we gave the British 50 WWI destroyers. All our best officers and Generals serve.t useless when the Chinese attacked by . n used grenades to save from being over run.any chance the Canadians could they tried to deal for a Thompson .45 ACP SMG or a m1 carbine 15 shot semi auto.

Also not too widely talked about was the importance of intelligence gathering & eespionage on a much larger scale then ever before. The US even set up & faked an Allied landing force with balloons and wooden boards to pysch out the Germans on the location of the invasion.

Special Operations groups were also formed and used more & more (although the use of SpecOps groups on the North American continent can be traced back to the French-Indian War and Roger's Rangers). The forefathers of the US Navy SEALS can be traced back here to the UDTs. And of course future history is changed forever with WWII ending with a BIG bang...literally. The age of atomic weapons and the arms race begins.

Landmines became standard defensive weapons by WW2 and could have played a major part in WW1 were they more developed during the war.

The way the infantry fought changed dramatically however the purpose of the infantry has never changed and never will, that is to take and hold ground.the change of the warfare in the WWI and WWII was the use of a what we knew,Germans were the first to made the V-rocket, the first ballistic strategic weapon, in the case of the V2, and predecessor to the cruise missile in the this can be included as one of the changes in the warfare...


This answer already has some amazing answers.. so I am just going to add that also we find a greater number of medical personal that were integrated into the fighting units themselves.. this actually increased the survival rate of those that were wounded during battle... this is not to say WW1 didn't have medics however, they would normally came after the fighting was over... often too late to do little else then carry off the body..

In addition in World War 1 military leaders tried to keep the fighting away from cities and would fight in the country side... while in World War 2 the Germans decided to go for an all out war.. that put more civilians in harms way

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Q: What were the changes in warfare and weapons between World War I and World War 2?
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The changes in weapons and warfare between ww1 and World War 2?

there were many changes between the weapons in world war one and world war two, in world war two we now have the atoimic bomb, also the guns were better and have longer range.

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What was World War 1 memorable for?

It was memorable for several new types of weapons technology. It was the first time planes were used as a weapons other then observation of troups. Trench warfare was introduced on a large scale. And because of trench warfare, we had the introduction, for the first time, of tanks and gas as weapons.

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New inventions changed warfare during World War 1 by creating new weapons and creating more casualties. Some of the inventions during World War 1 were tanks, infantry rifles, and machine guns.

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Modern weapons such as trench warfare, machine guns, barbed wire, and poison gas!

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