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The compass made China an imperial power. Gunpowder is considered the most useful, powerful, and destructive. Tea was used for trading, and printing paper allowed them to write important messages, documents, and etc.

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Gillian Rutherford

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Q: What were the historical influences of tea printing paper gunpowder and the compass?
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What were the historic influences of tea printing paper gunpowder and the compass?

The compass made China an imperial power. Gunpowder is considered the most useful, powerful, and destructive. Tea was used for trading, and printing paper allowed them to write important messages, documents, and etc.

What east Asian culture that invented the printing press magnetic compass and gunpowder?

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What invention were made in China's early history?

the compass, gunpowder, and printing

What inventions were made in China's early history?

the compass, gunpowder, and printing

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Gunpowder, paper-making,compass and Printing

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papermaking, compass, gunpowder, and printing

Gunpowder Printing press Compass were results of what in the Renaissance?

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the compass, gunpowder, paper making, and printing

What were the historic influence of The printing paper gunpowder and the compass?

The compass made China an imperial power. Gunpowder is considered the most useful, powerful, and destructive. Tea was used for trading, and printing paper allowed them to write important messages, documents, and etc.

What are 4 inventions from China that are passed to other people?

compass, gunpowder, paper making and printing

What were great ancient Chinese inventions?

The four most imortant was the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing.