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Q: Which new weapon or strategy did the Germans use against Allied troops beginning in April 1915?
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What and when is D-day?

D-day was June 6, 1944, and is the day when 150,000 allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy, France to fight the Nazi Germans. This was the beginning of the American campaign against the Germans in WWII.

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Blitzkrieg was a military attack strategy designed by the Nazi Germans. The Allied Forces adapted this method too.

What was the Allied strategy at the beginning of World War 2?

Island hopping. (In NovaNET: "leap frogging")

Was Germany allied with America in World War 1?

No. America fought against the Germans.

The Allied strategy against the Japanese was best described as?

'Island Hopping'

Allied strategy battle of the bulge?

The Allied Forces did not have a strategy until after they were attacked because the Generals did not believe there was a major offensive going on in the Ardennes. This was to their peril. Since I am not a military strategist and do not know the military lingo I am sending you to some links to help you understand how the Germans and the Allied Forces fought the battle.

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the british were allied with the Americans and Russians in wwii so they were against the Germans and Japanese mostly

How many ships and soldiers were involved in the D Day landings?

About 156,000 allied forces involved in all and about the entire allied fleet was put against the germans

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They were on the allied side in ww2 but their actions were bloodthirsty against the Germans because of how harsh the Germans attacked them.

In preparation for the expected allied invasion the germans-?

The Germans were expecting an allied invasion but did not know where and when it would come from.

How was Violette Szabo killed?

She was killed in the Ravensbruk concentration camp, murdered there for being a spy against the Nazi Germans for the Allied Forces.

What are the signifecances of d day?

It was the first time Allied troops fought back on the ground of northern Europe and turned the tide against the Germans.