to get money.
War aims refers to the objectives of a particular war and what it intends to achieve. Most wars are triggered by conflicts over territories, oppression one party to the war and so much more.
The American Federation of Labor used a combination of strikes and boycotts to achieve their aims. Although the companies often had the support of the government which used tactics to break strikes, the AFL achieved a great many of their labor goals.
The official reason given was to honour treaty obligations to Belgium, but preventing Germany from achieving a position of overwhelming strength in Europe was the main consideration.
Look at Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points. Specifically numbers 2 and 3.
he was very successful.
yes to be successful with her music and be as successful as her father
clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods
to be successful
This phrase suggests that both his plans and his aims were well-thought-out and dependable. It implies that he had clear goals and strategies in place, and was determined and committed to achieving them.
The aims and objectives of a partnership firm is to provide a service and be successful. All businesses have the same objective and that is to survive.
Hi I'm Dr Spencer, the reason the NHS sets aims is to improve medical statuses of our companies around the national state. We also do it because aims help us achieve and motivate our staff into achieving a goal. We find it very important that aims are in place. If we do not meet our aims, or standards, also aims was made and occurring thing do to meeting held some years ago.
There were more than one Inquisitions, of which the Spanish Inquisition is the most famous, and also the least objectionable, if that is something possible to say about any of the Inquisitions. Many people believe that torture was a routine tactic used by the Inquisitions, but this is not quite true. The priests found that the threat of torture was usually more successful in achieving their aims than torture itself.
A=Aims(why) C=Contents(what) M=Methods(how) E=Execution(when,where,who) E=Evaluation(how performance be evaluated) It is for achieving the objectives (aims) of training programme should be well-planned properly executed and well-coordinated.
An external constraint is something outside a business that stops the business achieving it's aims and objectives. For example, changing consumer's tastes.
Mussolini wasn't very successful at all. by the 1944 he was forced to step down from his dictator ship over Italy. Italian troops really didn't want to be in the war at all. They weren't motivated to fight in the war, and when the US and british troops invaded Sicily and Italy Hitler was forced to send large amounts of troops into Italy with hopes of stalling and destroying the invading allies troops.