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Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, 26-year-old son of a prominent Boston abolitionist family.

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Q: Who commanded the 54th Massachusetts infantry What was he like What was his background?
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Who was in the 54 Massachusetts regiment?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was an all-black unit, commanded by white Colonel Robert Shaw

What would have happened if Col Robert g shaw did not exist?

Someone else would have commanded the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment

Who was the 54 Massachusetts regiment?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment consisted of African American volunteers, many of them former slaves, initially commanded by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw.

How did the 54th Massachusetts infantry affect the civil war?


Who were the significant people of the 54th Massachusetts infantry?

there were approximatley 500 billion people in the 54th massachusttes

Why was the 54th Massachusetts infantry unique?

They were the first black army

What was the most celebrated black regiment in the union army?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry

Why was the 54th Massachusetts Infantry special?

First All African American regiment

What state was the first state to have an all African American regiment?

Massachusetts; The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment

What is the significance of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was significant because it was an African-American regiment. The regiment saw substantial service during the American Civil War.

What is the Massachusetts 54Th?

The 54th Massachusetts Regiment was an all-black infantry regiment organized in Massachusetts and lead by Col. Shaw and other white officers. It was one of the first black regiments organized by free black men of the North.

Where did the 54th Massachusetts volunteer infantry regiment fight in Massachusetts?

The Civil War was not fought in Massachusetts. According to wikipedia they trained at Camp Meigs in Readville which is now a part of Boston.