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There have been a number of famous suicide bombers. Some of the most famous suicide bombers have been 'Mohamed Atta', 'Ziad Jarrah' and 'Ramzi bin al-Shibh'.

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Q: Who was known as a famous suicide bomber?
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Who was known as the brown bomber?

Joe Louis was known as the brown bomber

What was the most famous British Bomber Plane from World War 2?

Best heavy bomber: Avro LancasterBest light bomber: de Havilland Mosquito

What is a suicide bomber?

Anyone who is a psychopath and a terrorist. Anyone who believes that he/she is fighting for a principle that is greater than life can become a suicide bomber. A fighter pilot in the movie Star Wars is considered a hero because he/she will go on a suicide mission to destroy the evil dark master or the weapon of mass destruction. The classification of a suicide bomber as good or evil is usually dependant upon the prejudice of the person making the determination. The historic records of the world are filled with examples of this prejudice where the recorders manipulate the data to aggrandize their own race, religion or organization while demonizing their opponents. An act of terrorism is the use of force or power to unjustly persecute or terrorize others. A terrorist therefore is a bully or gangster who is prepared to commit the most heinous atrocities simply for his/her personal aggrandizement. I hope you can now determine accurately the significant difference between a suicide bomber and a terrorist. You should now be aware of all the dangerous maniacs living among us.

What was the b29 bomber's nickname?

The plane was known as a B-29 Super fortress.

What was William e Boeing famous for?

William Boeing was famous for starting the Boeing company and developing many aircraft including biplane fighters and the world famous B-17 bomber

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Who was the first suicide bomber in India?

world first suicide bomber was temal tiger groups.

Who would win in a fight between a gladiator and a suicide bomber?

Depends if the gladiator has a bomb defuser and how stupid the suicide bomber is.

What are Jehad's?

suicide bomber attacks.

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The cast of The Cult of the Suicide Bomber - 2005 includes: Robert Baer as himself

What actors and actresses appeared in Suicide Bomber for Peace - 2014?

The cast of Suicide Bomber for Peace - 2014 includes: Simon Camp as James

How do you spell mahrtr a suicide bomber?

The word is martyr, one who dies for his religious convictions, and the application is questionable to a suicide bomber, who is in effect a murderer.

First woman suicide bomber?

Sana mahaidli is first lady suicide bomber who was Member of the Syrian Social Nationalist party.Thank youRegardsMayur Hadke

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Suicide bomber

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What actors and actresses appeared in Cult of the Suicide Bomber 3 - 2007?

The cast of Cult of the Suicide Bomber 3 - 2007 includes: Robert Baer as Baer, Robert

What actors and actresses appeared in Cult of the Suicide Bomber 2 - 2006?

The cast of Cult of the Suicide Bomber 2 - 2006 includes: Robert Baer as Baer, Robert