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George McLellan

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Q: Who was the head of the union forces in Antietam?
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Who was the head of Union forces for Antietam?

George McClellan

One of the key developments enabling the Union to stop the Confederate thrust into North Antietam was?

Seizure of a stone bridge over Antietam Creek by Union forces.

What town in Maryland did union forces fought the confederate?

You're probably thinking of Sharpsburg. The Union referred to it as the Battle of Antietam (after Antietam Creek) while the Confederacy referred to it as the Battle of Sharpsburg.

What was the bloody battle in Maryland won by the union?

The union won the battle Antietam in Maryland. It was the bloodiest battle in the war.

What battle did the confederates battle the union forces at Mareys Heights?

This question is miscategorized. Marye's Heights was at Fredricksburg not Antietam.

What battle did the union and confederate forces clash by Maryland?

Antietam (or Sharpsburg to the Confederates)

How many union died in battle of Antietam?

2,108 Union men died in battle of Antietam

Who was the head of union forces for Shiloh?

Ulysses Grant

How many union casualties where there at Antietam?

The Union lost 12,000 killed, wounded, or captured at the Battle of Antietam.

Who was the head of confederate forces in the Battle of Antietam?

قاد الجنرال روبرت إي لي الجيش الكونفدرالي لشمال فيرجينيا في معركة أنتيتام.

Was Antietam a union victory or a Confederate victory?


How many people were on the union side during the Battle of Antietam?

650,000 men fought for the union in the battle of Antietam.