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Because of tradition. When the Marines we aboard the ship they would take off their jacket, and being on the deck all the time caused their pants to fade, but their jacket didn't.

Actually. The reason the coat is a darker color is because they would wade into swamps during marches, then out, then back in. The water only came up to about their waist, so it would fade much quicker than the jacket which remained out of the water.

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Q: Why are the trousers of the USMC dress blue uniform sky blue and not the same blue as the jacket?
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The United States Marine Corps has several types of uniforms. Some of the most commonly worn uniforms include the utility uniform (commonly known as "cammies"), dress blue and dress white uniforms, service uniforms, and physical training uniforms. The specific type of uniform worn depends on the occasion, such as daily duties, formal events, or physical training.

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Regular Class A uniform, which I think is now the Dress Blue Uniform.. when I was in, Class A was what is now called the Army Green Uniform. Either one will suffice.

Where on the sleeve is the Lcpl chevron placed on the USMC dress blues uniform?

Go here:

Where on the USMC dress uniform does the pistol ribbon located?

Here, this salty dog explains it pretty good:

Where is the shooting badge placed on the USMC dress blue alpha uniform with medals?

by your chest on the right hand side up and down vertically

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The anchors should be pointed inwards. Cpl USMC

Do you wear the tie with the USMC dress blue bravo?


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Where on the sleeve is the PFC chevron placed on the USMC dress blues uniform?

Centered on the sleeve, four inches below the shoulder seam. Marine Corps Order P1020.34F, the Marine Corps uniform regulation, is available at