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Although they were not the only colored regimant, they were the first colored regiment. They were a short lived history however since they all died during the attack on Fort Sumter. The attack on Fort Sumter failed nut this showed everyone from whites to blacks that African Americans had the will and courage to fight for their freedom as well.

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Q: Why did the 54th Massachusetts infantry become the most celebrated African American unit of the civil war?
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Why was the 54th Massachusetts Infantry special?

First All African American regiment

What state was the first state to have an all African American regiment?

Massachusetts; The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment

What was the most celebrated African American regiment of the Civil War?

54th Regiment of Massachusetts

What is the significance of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was significant because it was an African-American regiment. The regiment saw substantial service during the American Civil War.

Who was the 54 Massachusetts regiment?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment consisted of African American volunteers, many of them former slaves, initially commanded by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw.

Was colonel Robert shaw in the civil war?

Yes he was in the CIVIL war. He was in charge of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry. The first African American Regiment.

Who was the African American unit in the civil war that played a key role in the attack on south carolinas fort Wagner?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry

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Who was the first african-american civil war soldier to receive the congressional medal honor?

William Carney was the first African-American recipient for his actions on July 18, 1863 at Fort Wagner, S.C. as a member of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment in the Civil War

First African American to win the congressional medal of honor and carried the colors for the 54th Massachusetts colored infantry?

Sergeant William H. Carney of company C, 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (colored) was the first African American to win the Congressional Medal of Honor. He earned the medal for action at Fort Wagner, South Carolina on July 18th 1863. The medal was not issued until May 23, 1900.

Which African American invented the portable shield for infantry?

Paul Williams invented the Portable Shield for Infantry.

What has the author Norwood P Hallowell written?

Norwood P. Hallowell has written: 'The Negro as a soldier in the War of the Rebellion' -- subject(s): Accessible book, African American Participation, African American soldiers, History, United States Civil War, 1861-1865, Regimental histories, United States, United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 55th (1863-1865) 'Black Soldiers in the War of the Slaveowners' Rebellion' -- subject(s): Correspondence, United States, United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 20th (1861-1865), African American Participation, Soldiers, Personal narratives, United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 55th (1863-1865), Biography, History