Black and whire checkered.
They wave the checkered flag.
No idea, but it's not many; the only reason the checkered flag wouldn't be displayed at the end of the race is if the race was red-flagged after it was an official race and the promoters didn't think they could get the race completed by the end of the day.
It is a chequered flag, so it is black and white, in alternating squares.
The checkered flag is the signal of the end of the race. When the flag is raised it alerts the drivers that the last lap is starting, when it is being waved the first car to cross the finish line is the winner.
The point at which a motor neuron synapses with a muscle fiber's motor end plate is called the neuromuscular junction. This is where the nerve impulse is transmitted from the motor neuron to the muscle fiber, leading to muscle contraction.
the color that end on the flag is red
Native Dancer
The checkered flag signifies the end of the race. It also just symbolizes racing in general.
Megan fox isn't in death race