In 2002, teenagers (age 15-19) were responsible for about 12% of motor vehicle-related deaths in the United States.
1 million
Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers aged 15 through 19. Other common causes include suicide, homicide, and unintentional injuries.
More people are killed by firearms in the USA than by motor vehicle accidents (40,000)
The second leading cause of death for teenagers is homicide, which includes deaths resulting from intentional violence or assault.
More raccoons are killed by motor vehicle accidents than any other cause. After that many are killed by hunters, disease and predators such as bobcats, coyotes, cougars, wolves, etc.
1 motor vehicle accidents 2 home accidents 3 school & work accidents
109.6 people per day in the average of 40,000 deaths a year.Answer40,000 people die each year in car accidents. Motor accidents are the leading cause of deaths for people in the United States under the age of thirty-five (usually teenagers or persons under the influence of alcohol substances).
100%, but I doubt that we are prepared to do it. If nobody drove a motor vehicle, there would not be any traffic accidents. We'd have to live very differently but it is possible.
9,878 people were killed in alcohol-related accidents in 2011, accounting for 31 percent of the total motor vehicle traffic fatalities in the United States. This is a decrease of 2.5-percent from 2010's figures.