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differs from state to state, but i know @ least Texas & California are really strict; like, depending on the severity/evidence/level of street racing you are caught doing, you can have your car taken/impounded, crushed, drivers license taken up, and/or arrested. Getting a DUI has less repercussions than hardcore street racing.

In Arizona, street racing is a misdemeanor ... could result in automatic suspension of all driving privileges for up to a year. Pay the cheap fee and do this at a race track.

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14y ago

theres not one unless you get caught. if you do you can get a fine and suspended licens.

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What is the punishment in Missouri for street racing?

$1,000 (or more) or 180 days in jail.

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Be aware of Academic writing . they are theves and have very poor quality of writing

When did street racing start.?

Street racing started in 1964

What is street racing?

It is illegal racing.

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Racing in the Street was created on 1977-10-12.

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Ford Street Racing happened in 2006.

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Street racing: The act of racing two or more automobiles (or motorcycles)on a public street. In most cases illegally and without authorization.

Is street racing against the law?

yes it is except if it is done in a street racing club