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Well yes, I think they were actually the main influence for Dallas' cold attitue. I mean just think, if Dallas had loving/caring parents would he turned out like he did? No. In my opinion, Dallas began "living in the streets" because he was trying to get away, he doesn't act nice or want to get attached to anyone because he doesn't want to get hurt again. He turned tough and scared some people, like I said now no one could hurt him emotionally and physically.

If Dallas had the kind of support and care that Ponyboy had, then he would of probably had turned out more like one of the Curtis boys and wouldn't have ended up dead.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Yes, Dally's parents did influence the way he is. Every ones parents influence the way they are because they teach them about life and values and how to grow into the best person they can be.

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12y ago

Personally, I do not think so. I think Dally was already a wild nut, but his parents could have definitely tamed him and made him into a better child. That is, if they had cared.

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13y ago

If Dally's (Dallas Winston's) parents have influenced him, we certainly do not see any evidence of it. The only influence you might say they have is from not being around. Maybe that helped

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13y ago

They do not care about him, so he acts they way he does because he mostly brought himself up with the help of the gang he belonged to in New York

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