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if your 20 years old

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Q: How old before a kid can own a knife?
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Should a 7 year old have his own pocket knife?

No my brother is 7 but does not have a knife in his pocket

Is it illegal for a fourteen year old to own a pocket knife?

It is probably not illegal to own a pocket knife. It may be illegal to posess a knife at different times like school-sports games-mothers presence-traffic court.

How old do you have to be before you can buy a pet on your own?

You have to be 18 years old to get a pet on your own.

What age can you buy a pocket knife in Pennsylvania?

I just bought a knife at Wal Mart, and you have to be at least 16 years old, and you will need to show ID. To clarify, most places of business require you to be an adult of legal age of consent to purchase. Many times this is not a Law but a policy or a zoning requirement for the business. 18 years old is considered to be the age of consent nationwide for many things like voting but there is no age requirement to carry a knife in the state laws.

Is it legal in America for a fifteen year old boy to own a knife?

Yes, butt it has to be under size dictated by your state.

I own a JA Henckels Knife no 1780 marked on the blade It looks like the handles are Black Bone with no shield. What is the age of this knife?

300ish years old, That's worth a couple bucks!

Can A Kid Own A Store?

Not Known Yet But A Kid Can Own A Business

Can a kid carry a knife at 12?

Best answer I can think of is NO Unless the Kid is in Scouts or something related. I suspect the question is related to self defence, Then the answer is a DOUBLE NO !!!!!!You would only get into a whole world of hurt ..... And most likely your own.

Should a 9 year old kid get her own smartphone?

You're asking for a matter of opinion, and mine is no.

Can a 15 year old kid live on his or her own with a parent permission?

No. You are not the age of majority. You would have to be at least 18. In Britain you can at 16-years-old.

How old is an otter pup before it can live on its own?

It has to be only 1 week old.

How old must a person be before they can legally move out on their own?

18 years old.