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"Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa uses a lot of descriptive imagery. The natural world that Dodong is surrounded by, as well as the people in his life, are described in colorful detail. Villa also describes Dodong's emotions with powerful imagery.

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11y ago

metaphor, personification

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7mo ago

theres a lot of figures of speech you can see in the story footnote to youth written by Jose Garcia Villa like "he was still like a tree" Simile, " A short colorless worm marched blindly to dodongs foot" Personification.

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9y ago

The symbolism of Jose Garcia Villa's Footnote to Youth chronicles the responsibility of family and work. In the narration, he points out that planning is not often part of marrying young.

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14y ago

footnote toyouth means it is a placed in note that need to pick-up the text thier.

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Q: What figures of speech use in footnote to youth?
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The "Footnote to Youth" point of view is: Omniscient Point of View-the author observes but does not participate in the story. He or she includes the actions, thoughts, and feelings of all characters. He or she makes use of the pronouns he, she, and they.

Why do writers use figure of speech?

Writers use figures of speech to enhance the beauty, clarity, and effectiveness of their language. Figures of speech can help create vivid imagery, evoke emotions, make writing more engaging, and convey complex ideas in a more impactful way.

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The page number was typed in the footnote, at the bottom of the page.

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Imagery, personification, figures of speech, and sounds to make his experiences vivid for the reader.

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Retorika is rhetoric in English. It is the use figures of speech and other composition techniques and styles to create a persuasive speeches or write-ups.

The functions of figures of speech?

It is good to study figures of speech so that you can recognize them in conversation later in life. People use them a lot, and since figures of speech aren't literal, straight interpretations of the words used, it is easy to get confused. If you didn't know some figures of speech, certain conversations could fly right over your head. ;) Here is a wikipedia article on the subject with some excellent material:

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You are but a bare youth. His youth was against him in the fight.

Instead of using numbers to designate footnotes you can use standard footnote symbols?

This is true.

When you use an asterisk to denote a footnote does a comma go before or after it?

The comma would come after it.