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If this refers to the unborn child the laws of the state where the child is born would apply. Generally the unmarried mother regardless of her age has full automatic custody of the child except under extraordinary circumstances. If the mother is unmarried and the father wishes to share custody he must first establish paternity (usually through DNA testing), even though he claims to be the father.

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18y ago
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10y ago

It depends on the laws in the jurisdiction. However, the court is not likely to penalize the minor mother by taking her child and granting custody to the adult father. Rather, he would more likely be questioned about getting a minor pregnant. Courts do not automatically take a minor's child from the mother.

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11y ago

Mother usually, unless she is proven unfit, or the father is proven the better parent.

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Q: Who has better chance of child custody - mother or dad?
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You have the right to file for a change of custody with the court. You will have to present convincing evidence that the child's mother is unfit to retain custody of the child. Frankly: It is a stiff burden of proof to overcome to convince the court to remove a child from its mother's custody.

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Not if the mother still have custody. He better have a good explanation to tell the judge why he has not seen his child for a year. If he has a good reason they would probably start with visitation. Full custody he can not get unless the mother is unfit.

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She can move with his and the courts permission.

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Yes it is possible for the mother to get custody, if she can prove that the child is better off with her. Custody can change at any time, regardless of where the parent live. Some judges might put limitations on somethings, but yes it is possible.

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In most breakups it is the mother who gets custody, however, the legal basis for deciding who gets custody is the welfare of the child, so if the father can demonstrate that he is a better parent, he can get custody.

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The chances for the father to claim custody of his 8 , eight year old child will be very hard as he is known to smoke pot, and under the influence of pot he is likely to harm the eight year old child. So the mother has a better chance of keeping custody.

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lost the child to whom?