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Using pick is not a matter of number of strings, it is rather a matter of personal preference or style of music you are playing.

With a 4-string bass, you can use both pick and fingers.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Yes, you can. However, most use their fingers. I play bass guitar and i only use a guitar pick on certain songs.

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How is the bass played?

You can fingerpick using your....fingers or pick it using a plectrum/pick. Alternatively you can even pluck it or use a bow on something like a double bass.

Do bass players use the thumb or pick?

usually pick for better quality sound but thumb can be used

What do you use a pick for?

It doesn't matter, but all the bass greats play without one. I personally don't, and you'll find that there is a great split in the bass-playing community - to pick or not to pick? Most don't, though.

When pete wentz plays his bass does he use use a pick?

Yes he does in the video Dance Dance he does

When did tom araya begin to use a pick for bass guitar?

Sometime before South of Heaven was released

What is the thing that you use to play a guitar?

A plectrum (not sure if I got the spelling right)

Is there a good technique for playing bass?

A good technique on bass is what feels right for you and sounds right for what you're playing. There's no hard and fast rules on whether to use a pick, how many fingers to pick with, how low to sling it etc; it's what works for you.

How do you strum fast on a bass guitar?

You can use a pick or hands to play fast, it just takes time and continual practice. One of the quickest and easiest ways to play fast is to practice with a pick.

What do you use to use a bass drum?

bass pedal

If you play electric bass can you play bass?

It depends what you mean... i know what you mean by electric bass but what do you mean by "Bass" If you mean an upright bass/double bass like this with a few minor adjustments with the way you play you can.. To play an upright bass you need to use your hands all the time instead of a pick.. so finger picking is a NEED. Watch some youtube videos..

How most plays the Bass guitar?

If you are referring to how people strum the bass. It is a matter of preference and there isn't really a dominant way to play the Bass Guitar. Which ever feels more comfortable is the way you should choose. I play the Bass myself, and I prefer a pick. I also play, and I use fingers only. I place my thumb on the pickguard and use my first two fingers to pluck.