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being fit an increase in the stoke volume of the heart

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Q: What would result from consistent aerobic exercise?
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The activity of which other body systems would be altered as a direct result of the exercise?

respretory system and excretory system

What describes a process that requires oxygen?

Krebs cycle Electron transfer chain

Is kingdom plantae aerobic or anaerobic?

Aerobic and anaerobic typically refer to microorganisms. Obligate anaerobes die in the presence of oxygen, and obligate aerobes die without it. Most plants occur in an oxygen-rich, terrestrial environment, and would thus be considered aerobic. Even totally aquatic plants, as those found in oceans, are exposed to some quantities of oxygen, thus it seems logical to surmise that if the terms aerobic and anaerobic are to be applied to macroscopic life such as plants, plants would be considered aerobic.

What if your heartbeat is 100?

100 beats per minute, during aerobic exercise, is fine. Depending on your health, this can be maintained for various periods of time: a half-hour would be a pretty long period of exercise but not excessive. However, if your heartbeat is 100 beats per minute when you're resting, you'll probably want to get a health checkup. At rest, the normal heartbeat is approximately 72 beats per minute on average.

If an eukaryotic cell is doing anaerobic respiration how many food molecules would it need to process the same amount of energy as it would using aerobic cellular respiration?

If the cell is performing anaerobic respiration, this is called fermentation. Fermentation produces a net gain of two ATP molecules and uses two molecules of glucose (food). Aerobic respiration known as cellular respiration produces a net gain of 38 ATP molecules.

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What are some tips you would tell your aerobic class to ensure safety while engaging in an aerobic exercise?

hi bye

What would be another good title for Aerobic Exercise for Teenagers?

No More Junk In Your Trunk

What is aerobic gymnastics?

Aerobic gymnastics (aka Sport Aerobics) looks somewhat similar to a floor exercise, but "is the ability to perform continuously complex and high-intensity movement patterns to music...with a high degree of perfectly executed elements of difficulty." It can be performed solo or with more than one athlete. Some movements that would be used in other gymnastics are banned - like handsprings and acrobatic flips. See Related Links.

Is swimming 20 laps an aerobic or anaerobic activity?

This would be known as aerobic because of the fact that you are exercising for a prolong period of time, other then anaerobic which consists of short burst of exercise.

Can you recommend some aerobic equipment that would be good for a senior who is not in the best of health?

The best exercise for someone in poor health is walking.If you need more of a challenge you can climb stairs.Stairs give you a fine aerobic exercise without cost.You should take care to start slow.

Would individuals who carry out regular aerobic exercise suffer less muscle discomfort during intense exercise than other individuals?

Well it all depends also. They would suffer less muscle discomfort because aerobic exercise is all about flexibility, and taking your time. Intense exercise requires more muscle movement depending on the person who is exercising also since each person has different modes. hope that helps :)

Can doing household chores be considered an aerobic exercise?

That depends on how hard you do it. If you're a fast worker, yea, that would certainly qualify.

Does exercise equipment really give you a full body workout equal to an aerobic class?

Companies that sell exercise equipment, like Nautilus, are obviously going to tell you that their equipment is better, but any aerobic exercise that gets your heart rate up is beneficial. The only drawback would be the impact on your joints, so consider this if you have certain restrictions.

Aerobic Versus Strength Training: Which Should Come First in Exercise Routines?

Most fitness experts agree that well-balanced exercise routines contain both aerobic exercise and strength training. The question which is often asked is which should be completed first? This depends greatly on the individual and their desired outcome from the routines, since whatever is done at the beginning will receive the most energy and focus. If large muscles is what is wanted, strength training would come first. If a healthier cardiovascular system is the main focus, aerobic exercise would come first. Either way, the exercise routines will complement each other.

Is swimming an example of anaerobic exercise?

Whoever this is from Washington swimming is an example of an aerobic excersise, it requires breathing. Walking would be an example of anerobic.

Will a strict exercise plan help you loose weight?

The most important thing to consider when coming up with an exercise plan is remaining consistent. You can change up the routine to keep interested, but just make sure you exercise on a consistent basis. Having a good mix of cardio workout and strength training would lead to the best results.