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found on the left side of the abdominal cavity

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Q: What lymphoid organs is found along the left side of the abdominal cavity?
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Which lymphoid organ is found along the left side of the abdominal cavity?


What body cavity protects the organs of reproduction abdominal dorsal or thoracic?

Neither. The main cavity is called the abdominopelvic cavity. A sub-cavity inside that is the pelvic cavity. That is where you will find the organs of reproduction. The dorsal cavity is along your back and skull. The thoracic is where your heart and lungs are. The abdominal cavity is a sub-cavity of the abdominopelvic cavity, its where your stomach and other related organs are.

Identify the large artery that run dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity?

The abdominal aorta is a large artery that runs dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity. The abdominal aorta is the largest artery in the in the abdomen.

What large artery runs along the abdominal cavity?


Identify the large artery that runs dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity?

abdominal aorta

What is an abdominal cavity?

Abdominal cavity issurroundedby three layers of muscles from all side. On back side there is verticle muscle from twelfth rib to hip bone and on front side it is protected by that 'six' pack muscle. It protects stomach, duodenum, all-most 6 meter long coiled 'small' intestine. Then 'large' intestine (Ascending, transverse, descending and pelvic colon.) along with rectum. Various organs like Liver, spleen, pancreas,Kidneys and ureters with urinary bladder. In females reproductive organs along withovaries. Large abdominal aorta along with it's two branches. Inferior vena cave and portal venous system. Sympathetic trunk along with it's branches and various groups of lymph nodes and lymph vessels.

What large artery runs dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity?


What large artery run dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity?


What large artery that runs dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity?

I have the same question...I've been seeing a lot of people say the "abdominal aorta" but in my lab book, it seems to be the "dorsal aorta". Hope this helps :/

Name the large artery that runs dorsally along the wall of the abdominal cavity?

Posterior Vena Cava in a fetal pig, Inferior Vena Cava in humans

Why does the position ofthe kidney retroperitoneal?

Organs are retroperitoneal if they have peritoneum on their anterior side only. Structures that are not suspended by mesentery in the abdominal cavity and that lie between the parietal peritoneum and abdominal wall are classified as retroperitoneal.

What is an intended action of the abdominals?

The abdominal muscles do many things like hold and potect the abdominal cavity and assist in breathing. But, the most obvious one is posture. They are the antagonists to the muscles along the spine and help maintain spinal curvature. The action is known as flexion of the spinal column.