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Q: What process is cool air acts as a barrier over which warmer and less dense air rises?
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Warm air rises because it is?

Warm air rises because it is less dense than colder air. As gases get warmer they expand that the molecules become farther apart causing it to become less dense and therefore, lighter per unit squared, this is why it rises.

Does the temperature of water affect the its density?

The warmer the water is the less dense it is but the colder it is the more dense it is. A2: therefore, warm water rises above cold water

Why is it that when there is a low pressure area there is warmer air?

Warmer air is less dense because the molecules have greater relative motion. Warm air rises over cooler, denser air.

When dense cold air pushes beneath warmer atmospheric air the lighter wamer air rises As this air rises into the atmospheere it cools and some of the water vapor in it codenses what?

A cloud is formed.

What does warmer air do?

it rises

Water vapor rises because it is?

Vaporized water rises because it is 100 degrees Celsius or warmer and is therefore warmer than the surrounding air and warmer air always rises above colder air.

When hot and cold air meet the hot air rises to the top but which process causes the hot air to rise?

hot air rises because it is less dense than cold air..this occurs by the process of convection

What is the process where cool dense material sinks and warm bouyant material rises?

Convection, hope this helps.

Why is the hot water in a liquid always at the top?

Heat rises. Warmer water has a less dense structure than does cold water, so the cold water literally "pushes" its way down to the bottom of a liquid, forcing the warmer water up.

Why is this basement so cold?

Warm air is less dense and tends to rise, cool air is more dense and tends to sink. That is why a hot air balloon rises if the air inside is warmer than the outside air.

What happen to the air in the surrounding as warm air rises?

it gets warmer as it rises

What happens to the air in the surrounding as warm air rises?

it gets warmer as it rises