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the extracellular matrix. It contains a gel-like ground substance and protein fibers. connective tissues have a lot of extracellular matrix compared to epithelial tissues that have very little.

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Connective tissue binds, supports, protects, and fills spaces.

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Loose and areolar tissue fills spaces.

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Q: What types of connective tissue fill in the spaces?
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Which is the function of connective tissue?

Just as the name implies, connective tissue connects other tissues together to hold them in place. It appears throughout the body. An example is the loose web-like tissue that holds the skin to the underlying fat and muscle, such as seen when pulling the skin off a piece of chicken.

What are fontanelles replaced by after birth?

Fontanels are a mesenchyme (loose connective tissue) filled space where bone formation is not yet complete, especially between the cranial bones of an infant's skull. Fontanels are replaced and covered by the growth of bone over that connective tissue in time, into a suture (an immovable joint) that connect the different portions of the skull.

Joints are possible because of two kinds of tissue?

Joints may be synovial (with a cavity) or fibrous. Synovial joints are filled with synovial fluid. Fibrous joints lack this. Fibrous joints are found in between the vertebrae. Cartilage in is both joints. This can be hylaine or fibrocartilage. Both regenerate. The synovial fluid is rather slippery and allows easy movement in those joints. If this joint is suddenly and rapidly pulled, the fluid doesn't fill quickly and a "snapping" sound is heard.

The supporting cells or neuroglia have numerous functions name three?

Astrocyte, Microglia and Oligodendrocyte

Why do people have spongy bone and compact bone?

Compact bone and spongy bone both perform different functions. Compact bone forms the outer tissue of bone. It forms the walls of the diaphysis of long bones and part of the epiphyses. It is vascularized tissue that accepts nourishment from the blood vessels. Spongy bone is located in the spaces that fill with bone marrow (central marrow cavity) in long bones (interior of the epiphyses) and adds strength to bone with minimal weight.

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What tissues make up the bladder?

Pseudostratified. The bladder is the only organ with that type of tissue. The answer above is wrong! the urinary bladder is composed of transitional epithelium with an underlying connective tissue. the transitional epithelium allows the bladder t expand in order to fill it with urine and relax when urine is released.

Which is the function of connective tissue?

Just as the name implies, connective tissue connects other tissues together to hold them in place. It appears throughout the body. An example is the loose web-like tissue that holds the skin to the underlying fat and muscle, such as seen when pulling the skin off a piece of chicken.

What are fontanelles replaced by after birth?

Fontanels are a mesenchyme (loose connective tissue) filled space where bone formation is not yet complete, especially between the cranial bones of an infant's skull. Fontanels are replaced and covered by the growth of bone over that connective tissue in time, into a suture (an immovable joint) that connect the different portions of the skull.

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Permineralized fossils form when solutions rich in minerals permeate porous tissue, such as bone or wood. Minerals precipitate out of solution and fill the pores and empty spaces.

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Does areolar tissue bind skin to underlying organs?

Connective tissue is found throughout our body. There are many types of connective tissues depending on what it has to do. For example:the connective tissue directly under our skin, in the hypodermis, contains a lot of fat-- that helps to maintain our body temperaturesa very loose type of connective tissue, areolar connective tissue, is found connecting our hypodermis to other organs (like muscles) and is found surrounding many organs-- this tissue allows for some movement of the attached structures relative to one anothertendons (that attach muscle to bone) are made up of dense regular connective tissue; they need the toughness of this material to withstand the high forces the muscles apply to themeven bone is considered a type of connective tissue, and it is very hard materialIn order to understand connective tissue, you must understand its general properties, the extracellular matrix material in which it lies as well as the cell types it contains. You can follow the links in the last sentence, or just keep reading, in order to spend more times on these concepts. If you understand them already, jump down below those sections to read more about some of thespecific types of connective tissue.Click here to link to another website that describes connective tissue... it is a beautiful site with lots of images (clicking on an "E" button will show you an Electronmicrograph while clicking on a "L" button will show you a Light micrograph). Just keep in mind that it goes into even more detail than I require, OK?General Properties of Connective TissueIt is difficult to describe general properties of CT in the same way as I did for epithelial tissue. That's because CT is so much more diverse. So, keep in mind that some of the characteristics that I am writing may not fit all of the CT types perfectly-- but they will fit most of them.connective tissues are typically well-vascularizedthey can usually reproduce well (to recover from injury) Exception: They need a good number of cells to help with this, and dense connective tissue has only sparse numbers of cells.they have a lot of noncellular material, called extracellular matrix material (or just matrix). Exception: adipose tissue.there is no single function that can be described for this tissue, since there are so many. Extracellular MatrixThe space between cells can be called the extracellular space/material or the intercellular space/material. "Extra-" means outside of, while "inter-" means between. I prefer to use the term extracellular space to prevent other confusion... that's because intercellular is easily confused with another term we will be using: intracellular. "Intra-" means within, and we will use intracellular to discuss what is inside the cell. In the drawing to the right, the extracellular space is all in pink. This space is not a vacuum, but it is filled with material. If the material is only liquid, the tissue as a whole will be loose. An example of that is in blood. If the material in the extracellular space has some tough strands (called fibers) of protein in it, that gives the entire tissue a stronger consistency (because the cells are now sitting in a mesh of fibers).This diagram shows a connective tissue with a lot of extracellular space. There are some connective tissues with less (and even more) extracellular space. If there's a lot of extracellular space (with little material in it), the tissue could be quite loose, while if there is little extracellular space the material will tend to hold together well.You should now understand that it is important to know how much and of what consistency the extracellular material is for any one type of connective tissue. Please note that I will refer to it from now on as extracellular matrix material, or even just as matrix, because it is a complicated enough material to be called a matrix.Ground Substance:This is the liquid portion of the extracellular matrix. It is never entirely watery, but more gel-like. A thin ground substance is seen in blood. The ground substance is not just water, but it is also filled with many dissolved solute particles.Extracellular Matrix Fibers:The number, properties, and alignment of fibers in the extracellular matrix will help determine the properties of the connective tissue. There are three main types of connective tissue fibers. Two are made out of a protein called collagen, while the third is made out of a protein called elastin. Collagen is a protein that forms a long strand. If many of these strands are put together the large resultant bundle can be quite strong. If only a few of these strands are intertwined, the small resultant bundle is only somewhat strong. Either way, collagen is has greater properties of strength than of elasticity. Elastin, on the other hand, is not so strong, but has elastic properties.Collagenous fibers: Very thick bundles of collagen. The picture at the far right is an image (from RasMol) of a large collagen bundle, containing 12 collagen fibers all intertwined; this is representative of a collagenous fiber.Reticular fibers: Thin bundles of collagen. The picture immediately to the right shows a small bundle of collagen fibers, only 3; this is more representative of a reticular fiber.Elastic fibers: stretchy branching bundles of elastin. Also called yellow fibers, because they tend to look yellower than collagen bundles do. (I have not included a photo).All of these types of extracellular matrix fibers can run together in different ways:as a mixture of fiber typesmainly of one fiber typeORloosely piled, with no one orientationdensely piled, with no one orientationdensely piled, all having the same orientationConnective Tissue Cell TypesThere are three main cell types in connective tissue. These three cell types may appear in most of the types of connective tissue. There are also cell types that are specific for certain connective tissues (and are only found there). The three main cell types are:fibroblasts-- these important cells are the ones that lay down the extracellular matrix fibers! They tend to be elongate in appearance.macrophages-- these cells are large and are derived from blood cells. A certain white blood cell can leave the blood and enter tissue, and is then called a macrophage. This cell is a scavenger in our connective tissues. It chews up foreign particles in the tissue by phagocytosis, protecting and cleaning out our bodies.mast cells-- these cells communicate chemically with our blood. They signal our blood by releasing heparin and histamine, telling our blood when it should clot or allow inflammation of certain tissues. That means that these cells help begin a repair process, when needed, in tissue.Other cells that you may find in specific connective tissues are:osteocytes-- only found in bonechondrocytes-- only found in cartilage (or developing bone)adipocytes-- only found in adipose tissue for storing fatblood cells-- found only in blood (unless you are injured) and there are many types of blood cells. You will get to know each and every blood cell type in A&P2, but for now know at least red blood cells.reticulocytes-- found only in reticular connective tissue. Our textbook just calls them fibroblasts, but our lab manual gives them the different name to match their tissue.If a connective tissue has plenty of cells within it, it is better at recovering after injury. For example, if the skin is cut, and the dermis is thus cut, the mast cells will, of course, help get blood in the area to fill the hole left by the cut and then will also get the blood to begin clotting. After that, however, we need to replace the clot with more dermis. This is possible because the fibroblasts in the remaining dermis begin dividing and secreting more fibers for the matrix. As the fibroblasts make more dermal connective tissue, the macrophages start removing the clot. And, voila! The repair is done.If, however, a connective tissue has few cells (and/or blood supply is limited), it is more difficult to repair that connective tissue. An example of this is in tendons and ligaments. You probably also have heard that it is difficult to repair tendons and ligaments after injury-- the healing time is much longer than for a broken bone.Some Specific Types of Connective TissueNot all of the types are discussed here, since we are also doing them in lab. I am just highlighting some important features in connective tissues.Loose connective tissue"It binds the skin to the underlying organs and fills spaces between muscles." This is built from a scattered array of a mixture of collagenous and elastic fibers within a gel-like ground substance. Fibroblasts, macrophages, and mast cells can be found within it.Dense connective tissueThis tissue is made up of A LOT of fibers. If it is regular dense connective tissue, it is mainly made up of parallel collagenous fibers. Figure 5.21 in your book shows you this tissue. In fact, there are so many fibers that there is little room for the fibroblasts to remain embedded within it. There is also very little room for vascularization. This is the type of tissue that makes up tendons and ligaments.If it is irregular dense connective tissue, it is found making up the dermis of your skin. It has a lot of collagenous and elastic fibers, but these are not oriented in parallel bundles; the fibers are randomly arranged in orientation.CartilageThis tissue contains chondrocytes, and the extracellular matrix material was secreted by them. They secrete a dense matrix, so dense that after they secrete it they end up stuck inside of it. There are different types of cartilage, each having its own appearance and elastic qualities.BoneThis tissue contains osteocytes, which are mature bone cells. These cells also end up stuck inside the dense extracellular matrix that we think of as bone. Because bone extracellular matrix is so dense, much more so than others, diffusion of nutrients through it is very difficult. Therefore, osteocytes do not use diffusion to get their nutrients. Instead, they extend tiny little processes to communicate with each other and with the blood; the development of these processes makes tiny little holes in the matrix, and these holes are called canaliculi.i have no ideasorry

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what are the word to be used to fill these empty spaces an element's atomic tell us how each atom is

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Impermeable Rock

Which is the layer underground where the are no empty spaces for water or air to fill in?

Impermeable Rock

Joints are possible because of two kinds of tissue?

Joints may be synovial (with a cavity) or fibrous. Synovial joints are filled with synovial fluid. Fibrous joints lack this. Fibrous joints are found in between the vertebrae. Cartilage in is both joints. This can be hylaine or fibrocartilage. Both regenerate. The synovial fluid is rather slippery and allows easy movement in those joints. If this joint is suddenly and rapidly pulled, the fluid doesn't fill quickly and a "snapping" sound is heard.