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Q: What is the value of McDonald's Olympic give away coins Patrick Roy?
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What is the value of a 1976 US olympic stamp?

A number of coins were issued for the 76 Olympics. Without knowing which one, and condition, it's impossible to give a value.

What is the value of the 1996 olympic commemorative coin?

There's no such coin. There were no US Coins in 1776 and the Mint didn't make any special coins for the 1876 centennial.If you're referring to double-date coins from the BIcentennial (200 years) in 1976, please see the Related Questions.

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What is the value of an Australian Olympic silver coin?

There have been dozens of Australian coins issued for various Olympic games over the years, some silver, some of silver appearance. Please narrow down the possibilities with a year, a denomination and a design feature.

What is the value of mcdonalds Christmas ornaments?

$5 each

Have US coins always had the same value as they do now?

No, for silver coins as the value of silver changes the value of the coin changes. The same is true for gold coins.

What is the value of a 1996 olympic torch?

being a torch bearer in the 96 Olympic games i would value it as priceless

What is the value of the coins made in 2012?

These coins are very common and are worth face value.

What is the value of a us 1988 Olympic coin?

The 1988 Olympic $5 Gold Coin was issued to commemorate the participation of the United States in the 1988 Olympic Games held in Seoul, Korea. This gold coin was issued in addition to a silver dollar.

How would someone know how much gold coins are really worth?

The value of gold coins can be determined in two different ways--the melt-down value and the coin value. The melt-down value is the value of the pure gold in the coins, which is determined by the weight. The face value of the coins can be found on a collector's website.

What three coins in equal numbers have a value of 27?

10 coins 7 coins and 10 coins