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bush, theme, bass (fish not instrument)

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Q: What rhymes with lush green grass?
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What rhymes with hard and it has green grass?

A yard is a place with green grass that rhymes with hard.

Synonym for lush?

The lush green grass dominated the garden.

What is the description of a horse's habitat?

a lush green meadow where lots of grass is so they can feed or a field.

What type of horse cant eat grass?

Besides a seahorse, a horse that has foundered on grass must be kept away from grass. Green, lush grass could kill an already foundered horse. (ponies are at greater risk)

What rhymes with plush?

a word that rhymes with plush is: lush (and that's a real word)

What rhymes with lush?

Lush rhyme words :bushhushtush (posh word for rear end)cushgushmushpushrushslush

What small green plant covers stones and rhymes with cross?

moss! xD

Why is the Green Bridge of Wales green?

Most of the year the 'bridge' has lush green grass growing along the top and a slight covering of green lichen growing in places where there is not enough soil to grow grass. It is not actually a man made bridge but a natural rock formation eroded by the sea to resemble a bridge.

Simile for grass?

The grass was like an oceanβ€”vast and expansive.

What rhymes with flushed?

What rhymes with flushedPushedNushedSmushedLooshedWooshedMustSry that's all I can think of some are complete goobylegook

What do ponies get if they eat lush grass?

Poies are what people call easy keepers. They can get foundered eating lush grass for a long period of time. They also can get very fat which is unhealthy.

How did green swamp nc get its name?

From the lush evergreen forests of the region and the lush green color of the Carolina bay's or (Pocosin Bay's).