yes, you must have resident hunting or fishing licence to hunt anywhere in northern america. or , you must have a nonresident licence if you do not live in southe dakota.
Not if you are immediate family of the landowner: children, spouse, parent. Everyone else needs a license.
yes,you have to have a license to hunt this unless you are part of his family.
yes,you need a hunting licence to hunt any where.
You need a hunting license no matter what. Unless it is a non game species.
No-as long as you fall into the "landowner" category (you own the land, are a permanent resident on the land, are in the immediate family of the landowner, etc). You must still purchase any additional stamps that would not be covered by a basic hunting license. Refer to the WV DNR's website for more detailed info.
Well, If you are not planning on going hunting and bagging an animal, you don't need a license. With that said, If you are hunting with a friend and you are not going to shoot, you do not need a license as well. If you have Private land to hunt on where the owner has given you permission, sometimes you do not need a license, this is arguable and depends on what exactly you are hunting for. Above all, if a game warden catches you hunting without a license (even on your own land), up to $1000 fines can be given. Sincerely, if you enjoy hunting you might want to consider getting a quick Hunter Safety License which only requires you to attend a several day course (in which they give you information about how to hunt and give you a permit). Be safe. -DH