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Shown as a side picture on page 22 in The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell, the black and white image shows a jagged, rocky shore. The question requires students to analyse and "read into" the image based on the student's common knowledge from other subjects in school and in life. They are harder to climb. Sharp, jagged, rocky cliffs would cut the hands when climbing or cut bare feet. Since Rainsford needed to rescue himself, despite the land perils, he was forced to climb these rocks to get out of the water.

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Q: What does the jagged rocky island picture suggest about Rainsford's struggle to climb out of the water and onto land in the story The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell?
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Richard Connell was an American author known for his short stories and novels. He wrote "The Most Dangerous Game," a suspenseful thriller about a big-game hunter who becomes the hunted. Connell's writing often explored themes of adventure, morality, and the struggle between man and nature.

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"The Most Dangerous Game" was written by Richard Connell and first published in 1924. It is a short story that follows an elite hunter who becomes the prey in a twisted game of survival on a remote island.

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"The Most Dangerous Game" short story was written by Richard Connell. It was first published in 1924 in Collier's magazine.

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The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell

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Richard Connell died on November 22, 1949.

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Who did Richard connell marry?

In 1919, Richard Connell married Louise Herrick Fox (1891-1984).

What is a fact about Richard Connell?

Richard Connell was bron in 1843 and died in 1949. He was born in Dutchess County, New York.

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Richard Edward Connell, Sr. is buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, which is located in Poughkeepsie, New York. Connell served in the United States Congress.

What was the first name of the person who wrote The Most Dangerous Game?

The short story titled 'The Most Dangerous Game' was written by Richard Connell. The novel was written by Gavin Lyall.