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benefit period

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Q: What is the maximum amount of time for which benefits will be paid to the injured or ill person for a disability is called?
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Can you work while receiving social security disability If so, what is the maximum amount income allowed?

While receiving social security disability benefits, the maximum amount of additional monthly income allowed from working is $900 a month gross.

Can a person work while on social security disability income?

I believe there are ways to make additional income when on disability. You will have to find out the maximum amount your allowed to make while on disability. You are permitted to make up to a certain amount in addition to the amount disability pays you.

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1.What is the maximum monthly amount of disability benefits that one can receive per month for a single person before medicaid is discontinued and you have to secure your own income 2. What are some alternatives for securing medical benefits?

The amount of the monthly disability benefit is based on the individual's employment history. The longer the individual worked and the higher the wage/salary, the higher the benefit. Two years after disability is approved, Medicare goes into effect. Keep in mind that the actual disability determination dates the approval back to the start of the disability, so the time between approval and the start of Medicare coverage is often 0-18 months.

Who are considered 99'ers in unemployment?

The 99'ers are those that have reached the maximum amount of benefits available. 99'ers were originally eligible for the maximum amount & time for benefits and exhausted the original benefit period, tiers 1,2,3,4, and state extended benefits.

If I am receiving ss disability do my step children and spouse also get a check?

Children of those who receive Social Security Disability Benefits may be entitled to a small monthly benefit amount. Benefits would be paid only if the claimant is considered SSDI or Title II. Those who receive benefits from SSI or Title XVI do not qualify.

What is maximum dollar amount for Louisiana unemployment benefits?

$247 per week.

Can disability benefits be cancel if you receive a large amount of money from a lawsuit or have a large amount of money in a bank account?

If the law suit is a result of the event or injury that allowed the disability benefit, yes, the benefits can be discontinued, or money may have to be reimbursed to the insurance company. Consult your attorney for the specifics.

If you receive disability but just received a large amount of money from a sue can disability benefits be taken or cancelled?

Technically, that money has to be reported to the IRS, which would offset your SSI benefits, so yes, it could be reduced or withdrawn completely.

Can a creditor freeze va disability account?

No. Disability benefits are exempt from judgment creditor action. However, if the benefits are commingled with monies that are not exempted an bank account can be frozen by court order until it is determined the amount of funds that are exempted from seizure.

Can you collect Workers Comp and Disability Insurance in the State of Mass?

Yes, the disability insurance payments can be paid on top of any workers comp payments received, if the policy's benefit is not integrated with any supplemental benefits. If your disability insurance policy is integrated with supplemental disability benefits, then the disability payments will be offset dollar for dollar by any mount received from workers comp or social security. That's why when you get a disability insurance policy, it is advised to include all or most of the disability benefit amount as "base benefit" which does not offset by any supplemental benefits received.

What is the maximum unemployment benefits in Nevada?

The maximum amount that you can receive weekly in Nevada is $398. The maximum amount you can claim is up to 26 weeks. However, with the federal extensions that were put into place, there are currently 4 tiers and state extended benefits that you could potentially be eligible for, providing the federal government decides to keep extending the time in which you can apply for those benefits.