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Protons and neutrons are made up of three quarkseach.

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Q: What is the name of the smaller particle that makes up neutrons?
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What is the name of the particle that nucleus of an atom?

Neutrons are protons are present in the nucleus of an atom.

What is the name of the particle which makes up all other subatomic particles?

Quarks are the particles that make up protons and neutrons. There are no particles, as far as we know, that make up electrons.

What is the name of the subatomic particle that makes up electrons and protons and neutrons?

Quarks make up protons and neutrons, but electrons are fundamental particles, meaning nothing comprises them. There are 6 types of quarks; up, down, top, bottom, charm, and strange.

Name everything smaller than an atom?

Components of the atom are protons, neutrons and electrons.

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What is the name of a particle with an electric charge?

The particle with an electric charge is called the proton. It makes up part of an atoms nucleus.

How were neutrons named?

neutrons were given their name because they don't give off positive or negative charges of energy which makes them neutral.

What is the name for a nuclear particle that has about the same mass as a proton but with no electrical charge?

Neutrons have almost the same mass as protons but not any charge.

What is the name of the smallest paricle of an element that has the properties of that element?

An atom is the smallest particle of an element that has the properties of that element. The atom consists of a certain amount of electrons, protons and usually neutrons. The amount of each of these sub-atomic particles is what makes an element. No Sub-Atomic Particles have any characterisitics of an element. It is the collective arrangement of electrons and protons (and usually neutrons) which gives an element its characteristics. An atom is the smallest particle that has elemental characteristics.

What is the name of the worlds largest high energy particle accelerator in Switzerland?

LHC - Large Hadron Collider (Hadron is a type of particle of which the protons and neutrons that make up atomic nuclei are examples.)

What is the name for the particle theory?

Particle Theory is its name.

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