

What is the charge cloud?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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The first process in the generation of lightning is charge separation.

The mechanism by which charge separation happens is still the subject of research, but one hypothesis is the polarization mechanism, which has two components:

1. Falling droplets of ice and rain become electrically polarized as they fall through the atmosphere's natural electric field;

2. Colliding ice particles become charged by electrostatic induction.

Ice and supercooled water are the keys to the process. Violent winds buffet tiny hailstones as they form, causing them to collide. When the hailstones hit ice crystals, some negative ions transfer from one particle to another. The smaller, lighter particles lose negative ions and become positive; the larger, more massive particles gain negative ions and become negative.

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12y ago

it is basically a model that shows the probability that an eletron exists in that position

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15y ago

type of charged is a cloud is negative charged type of charged is a cloud is negative charged

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When two heavy rain clouds rub together it creates static electricity

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12y ago

The charge comes from the clouds rubbing together making static electricity.

Hope this answers your question :)

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An area where you have a really big chance of finding an electron pair, the electrons don't stay still - they whizz around inside the charge cloud

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Negative.-1 elemental charge = -1.6x10^-19 C

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What is lightning in clouds?

It is called Cloud-to-Cloud lightning for obvious reasons. It is caused by ice particles in the cloud rubbing together, foming electric charges. When enough charge is formed, it may jump to another cloud with an opposite charge. Hope this helped. :D

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Electrons have a negative charge, so That might be the answer for which you are looking.

What charge does the electron cloud of every atom have?

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Protons in the nucleus each have a positive charge, and electrons, surrounding the nucleus in the electron cloud, have a negative charge.

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Because the central atom has two bonded regions (remember that single, double, and triple bonds all count as one charge cloud). In addition to the two bond regions, there is a lone pair of electrons on the central atom, which counts as the third charge cloud.

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