The meaning of the name Bukhosi in Shona language of the African origin is "royalty or princehood."
what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name
what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name what is the meaning of sodeis name? its Muslim name
What is the meaning of my name
What is the meaning of the name Mirville
beyah name meaning
the meaning of the name rumi
What is the meaning of the name Suzie?
meaning of name ajin?
gunasekaran name meaning
The meaning of the name of Chipo is "gift." The name is a female name.
It is just a name with either no obvious meaning or no meaning.
The first name of Craig is American in origin. The meaning of this name is rock. The Gaelic meaning of this name is dwells at the crag.