You mean bicameral legislature, and it is a two house system of representation being the house of representatives (the number of representatives here are based on a states population) and the senate (in which every state gets two representatives).
A two house legislature is not called a unilateral legislature, it is called a bicameral legislature.
bicameral legislature
The difference between the state legislature and the congerss is that the state legislature is state legislature while Congress is national legislature.
Kentucky legislature is the State legislature of the u.s state of Kentucky
Only if it is a specific legislature like "Nevada Legislature" or "Minnesota Legislature" .etc
A bicameral legislature is composed of two houses of the legislature.
no. a professional legislature is in session at all times
False it is called a bicameral legislature
False it is called a bicameral legislature
a single-chamber legislature is a unicameral
False it is called a bicameral legislature