Elizabeth May
The Republican Party. Her husband, Bob, also ran for president against Bill Clinton in 1996.
Elizabeth May M.P. (Saanich-Gulf Islands) is the leader of the Green Party of Canada.
There is no registered political party by the name of Independent Party. It is not a permissible name for a Canadian political party.The Elections Canada website states: "The name, short-form name, abbreviation or logo of the political party applying for registration must not so resemble the name, short-form name, abbreviation or logo of another party as to be confused with it. The name must not include the word "independent" or any word likely to be confused with it."
Elizabeth May is the leader of the Green Party. She has won a seat for the Green Party in the House of Commons. She is also one of very few female party leaders.
You must be an Australian citizen. Join a political party and convince all of your party members that you would be the best person to run that political party. Get your political party elected at the next election by making a lot of promises to the electorate that you may or may not keep when you get into government.
There is the conservative party, who's leader is Stephen Harper (he is currently in office as prime ministre) The Green party, lead by Elizabeth May The Bloc Quebecois Party, Lead by Gilles Duceppe The New Democratic Party, lead by Jack Layton And the Liberal Party, Lead by Michael Ignatieff
The plural of political party is "political parties".
Voting in a CLOSED primary (apex)
Someone who has opposite political views than you and may debate them with you, or belong to another party than you or may be your opponent in an election.
The party platform is the official stance of a party, although individual politicians may have different opinions.