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environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke)

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Q: What are exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke combined?
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Which describes sidestream smoke?

Sidestream smoke is the smoke that escapes from the tip of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Sidestream smoke can be as much as half of the smoke from a cigarette.Mainstream smoke is a smoke that is inhaled through a tobacco product and exhaled by a tobacco smoker.

Why are mainstream sidestream and third hand smoke dangerous to ones health?

sidestream smoke contains twice as much tar and nicotineas mainstream smoke because sidestream smoke enters the air directly from the burning tobacco.

The combination of sidestream smoke and mainstream smoke is?

environmental tobacco smoke

How does the nicotine and tar of sidestream smoke compare to that of mainstream smoke?

sidestream smoke contains twice as much tar and nicotine

How does the nicotine and tar content of sidestream smoke compare to that of mainstream smoke?

sidestream smoke contains twice as much tar and nicotine

What do you call the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the exhaled smoke from a smoker?

Sidestream Smoke. More than half the pollutants emitted by a cigarette come not from the smokedend of the cigarette but from its other end - the cigarette's burning end - and are called sidestream smoke.

What is the term for smoke that is exhaled from a smokers lungs?

Mainstream Smoke

What is the meaning of the terms passive smoke mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke?

partner of active smoker childeren in room after smoking

How are sidestream smoke and mainstream smoke alike?

They both could effect your health and damage your lungs.Both are cigarrites,pipe or cigar.

What is the smoke from the end of a tobacco product?

side stream smoke-smoke coming from the burning tip of a cigarette Mainstream smoke-smoke that comes from the smokers lungs CHEMICALS

What happens in the lungs of a smoker?

Their tissue just gets rotten and disappears, i will hope this answers this, but double check this. ;)

How many people are affected by second hand smoke?

It's kind of scary actually, because anytime you're around a smoker, you're breathing in second-hand smoke. You also get the 43 cancer causing chemicals in the smoke. Since you're around a cigarette, you become a passive smoker because you inhale sidestream and mainstream smoke. Sidestream smoke-smoke coming from the burning tip of a cigarette Mainstream Smoke-smoke coming from the smokers lungs