The Pope is the head of state of the Vatican.
The Vatican is an independent country with its own laws and regulations. They also have a police force to enforce the laws.
The Vatican is an independent country, a city-state. The smallest country on earth.
Vatican City is a sovereign city-state, similar to Monaco and Singapore. It is independent.
The Vatican is not a republic, it is a monarchy with the pope as the head of state.
Vatican is an example of such city/state. City of Vatican belongs to the country of Vatican surrounded by country of Italy (if in fact by "state" you mean a Federal entity like a Country)
Yes, the Vatican is an independent nation and not part of Italy. The head of state of the Vatican is the pope, the last remaining absolute monarch in Europe.
The Vatican is not a state, it is a city-state. In other words, it is not only a city, it is an independent nation, the smallest nation on earth.
The Vatican is not a "who" it is a "what." The Vatican is an independent city-state surrounded by the city of Rome, Italy. It is the headquarters of the Catholic religion.
Vatican City.
Yes, the Vatican is an independent country, a city state.
Vatican City - .17 square miles