The name 'Baruch' is a Hebrew name.
Its meaning in English is 'blessed'.
Baruch (ברוך)
Baruch is a common Jewish name. There were many thousands of people named Baruch in Jewish history.
Barúch is a phonetic Irish spelling of the Hebrew name "Baruch". In Irish it has no meaning, in Hebrew it means blessed.
Barack Obama's name has no meaning in Hebrew. But his first name is related to the Hebrew name Baruch (ברוך), which means "blessed."Answer:Barack is completely unrelated to "baruch;" they are different Hebrew roots. It is, however, (phonetically) identical to the Hebrew "barak," meaning Lightning.
Baruch (ברוך)
No meaning; though it's not unlike the Hebrew name Baruch, which means blessed.
Baruch is a Hebrew word meaning blessed
There is no equivalent in Hebrew for "Ashlei" but you can spell it אשלי
The Hebrew equivalent of Barack is Baruch (ברוך), which means "blessed". Coincidently, the name Barack sounds the same as the Hebrew name Baraq (ברק), which means ligntning, but the two names are not related.
There is no Hebrew name for Tmeiko but you can spell in in Hebrew letters as טמייקו
There is no Hebrew name for Andrice, but you can spell it in Hebrew letters as אנדריס
There is no Hebrew name for Graeme, but you can choose any name to be your Hebrew name.