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Q: How many people were saved in the Book of Acts according to the Bible?
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In Acts 26 Paul shares his testimony with King Agrippa.Paul talks about before he was saved, when he was saved and after he was saved.

How do you get saved verses in the Bible?

how to get saved, acts 1-4. how to stay saved, the rest of the new testament. my fave is acts 2:38

How many salvations on day of pentecost?

Over 3,000 people were filled with the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost according to the Book of Acts, chapter 2. There were 120 in the Upper Room according to Acts 1:15 that were the first to receive this gift of salvation. It then spread to the streets and according to Acts 2:41 there about 3,000 more. So there was approximately 3,120.

What is a summary of Acts Chapter 13 in the Bible?

Jesus Preaches to His people

How many times was Paul saved in the Bible?

If you mean saved in terms of belief in Jesus then once. If you mean saved from death and danger probably more than ten times. He mentions three shipwrecks and being stoned once as well as many other dangers.

Where can you locate the word favor in the bible?

There are 89 instances of the word favour according to my concordance of the Authorised Version of the Bible. Here are two, one from the O.T. and one from the N.T. - Prov.19.12. "The king's wrath [is] as the roaring of a lion; but his favour [is] as dew upon the grass." Acts.2.47 the disciples were - "Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."

How many times is the words savior saved and salvation used in Acts?

The word "savior" is used five times in the book of Acts. The word "saved" appears multiple times, but it is difficult to determine an exact count without specifying which translation of the Bible is being referenced. Meanwhile, "salvation" is mentioned around 10 times in the book of Acts.

Do you have to have the holy spirit to be save?

The Bible states that the Holy Spirit comes to those who are saved. For example, look in Acts 19 where the people who did not fully believe in Christ (they received John's Baptism, that is, they put their faith in the coming messiah but not Christ specifically) and once they believed in Christ and were saved, they became filled with the Holy Spirit.

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mr.satan is a human but he acts. so that the people thinks that mr.satan saved the earth.

What is the difference between books and acts in the Bible?

books informs while acts in the bible transforms

What book of the Bible tells about the apostles of Acts?


What book in the bible is considered the newspaper?

I suppose the book of Acts could be 'considered the newspaper'. There are many stories of God's people preaching and believing in Acts.