In chapter 2, Daniel prophesied that King Nebuchadnezzar would be followed by an inferior kingdom, then a third and a fourth kingdom. The fourth kingdom would then become divided. The fourth kingdom was that of Alexandria; it was divided into what became the Hellenistic kingdoms - the author was writing of things he already knew. And in the days of these kings, God would set up a kingdom that would never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). This optimistic prediction meant that Syria would cease to oppress the people. What it does not tell us is anything about the twenty-first century or the 'last days'.
Greece is mentioned 5 times in the Bible In the book of Daniel chapter 8 verse 21, chapter 10 verse 20, chapter 11 verse 2 In the book of Zechariah chapter 9 verse 13 In the book of Acts chapter 20 verse 2
Leviticus chapter 13 verse 29 and 30 chapter 14 verse 19 chapter 19 verse 27 chapter 21 verse 5 1 Samuel chapter 17 verse 35 chapter 21 verse 13 2 Samuel chapter 10 verse 4 chapter 10 verse 5 chapter 19 verse 24 chapter 20 verse 9 Ezra chapter 9 verse 3 Psalm chapter 133 verse 2 Isaiah chapter 7 verse 20 chapter 15 verse 2 Jeremiah chapter 41 verse 5 chapter 48 verse 37 Ezekiel chapter 5 verse 1
In the New Testament of the Bible in St. Luke 1:19 and 1:26. Also can be found in the Book of Daniel Chapter 8 verse 16, and Chapter 9 verse 21. Meaning of the name God is Mighty. He is the divine messenger sent to Daniel, to Mary, and to Zecharias !
There is much controversy about The Bible and whether verses like Daniel chapter 12 foresees pre-trib rapture. The definition truly depends on how a person interprets the text
There is much controversy about the bible and whether verses like Daniel chapter 12 foresees pre-trib rapture. The definition truly depends on how a person interprets the text
Chapter 1 verse 6 ........where
luke chapter 3 verse 23
The verse should be identified by book and then chapter and verse number within that chapter. For example John 3:16 refers to the Book of John, 3rd chapter, 16th verse.
Matthew chapter 27, verse 33 says they took Jesus to Golgotha to be crucified.Mark chapter 15, verse 22 gives the same information as doesLuke chapter 23, verse 33. and John chapter 19 verse 17.
My verse is from John chapter 3 verse 16.
Chapter 1, verse 14