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Able brought produce from his farm, some of his harvest. Cain brought an animal sacrifice, a lamb from his flock. God required an animal sacrifice, blood needs to shed for the forgiveness of sin

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The stories of the first act of worship recorded in human history and the first murder are recorded in Genesis chapter 4. This follows the account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, their disobedience to God, and the entrance of sin into the human race. Death, the judgment pronounced upon them by God, soon made its entrance in the first family.

Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve, "in the course of time" brought offerings to the Lord (Genesis 4:3). Without doubt, they were doing this because God had revealed it to them. Some question, "How were Cain and Abel supposed to know what to sacrifice?" The answer is that God must have instructed them. It is clear that the offering was to be a substitutionary atonement, because we read in Hebrews 11:4, "By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did." When Abel came for worship, it was by faith that he brought his offering, the "fat portions from some of the first-born of his flock" (Genesis 4:4). The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, and it was accepted.

His brother Cain brought "some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord" (Genesis 4:3). But on Cain and his offering the Lord did not look with favor. We do not know how He expressed His rejection, but it was evident. In Jude's epistle, verse 11, we read, "They have taken the way of Cain," referring to lawless men. This may mean that they, like Cain, disobediently devised their own ways of worship; they did not come by faith. Cain's offering, while acceptable in his own eyes, was not acceptable to the Lord. The result was that Cain became very angry, and later, in the field, he killed his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8).

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Abel offered wheat to god

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Who are cain and abel?

According to the Bible (Genesis ch.4), Cain and Abel were the first two sons of Adam and Eve, who were the first humans. Cain slew Abel because he was jealous that God preferred Abel's offering over Cain's. Cain went into exile, but did not suffer the death penalty.Answer:Cain and Abel were the biblical sons of Adam and Eve. It is said that Cain's heart was wicked and evil so his sacrifice to God was rejected. When Abel's sacrifice was accepted by God, Cain killed Abel in a jealous rage.

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He was killed by their other son, Cain. Cain was jealous that God accepted Abel's sacrifice and not his own.

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This verse from Hebrews 11:4 highlights how Abel's sacrifice was accepted by God because it was offered with faith and sincerity, whereas Cain's was not. It emphasizes that Abel's righteousness was confirmed by God, even after his death, and his story continues to inspire and teach others about the importance of faith in God.

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Cain slew Abel out of jealousy and anger, as God favored Abel's offering over Cain's. This act of violence resulted in the first murder recorded in the Bible.

Why did Cain murder Abel according to the Quran?

Cain and Abel were both called upon to make a sacrifice unto god, Cain chose his inferior crops while Abel chose his finest animal. Abel's sacrifice was received well by God but Cains was rejected as it wasn't his finest crop send to Gos. Cain who was more about physical bonds and earth and thought that God might not need his sacrifice decided not to sacrifice the best of his crop. He was greedy as we can imply. Abel on the contrary sacrifices his best sheep. He was generous. Cain got angry that his brother's sacrifice was accepted and killed his brother maybe out of jealousy. Basically the same story as you would read it in the bible.

Whose sacrifice pleased god and whose did not?

abel's sacrifise pleased god,cain's didn't.(this is in the book of Genisis,the first book in the bible).

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A:The story of Adam and Eve was a highly sophisticated moral tale. The story of Cain and Abel, by the same author, continued the theme of God's creation and told how we are to please God. Written at a time when God rewarded burnt sacrifices, it tells how he was pleased by Abel's sacrifice of a young lamb, but displeased by Cain's sacrifice of grain. Cain's envy of Abel and his murder of Abel are incidental to this story. The story of Cain and Abel establishes the theme that the very best meat must be sacrificed on the altar to God, repeated later through the Old Testament. Perhaps the early priests who partook of the offerings were anxious to ensure a proper fare.

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Abel worshiped God according to the instructions provided,whereas Cain worshiped God his own way. Mk:7:7: Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

What crime had Cain committed against his brother Abel?

According to the Bible, Cain killed Abel because he was jealous that Abel's sacrifice was accepted by God, while Cain's was rejected. "And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him." - Genesis 4:8

Where was the biblical figure Abel born did he marry have kids your son is writing a 2 page Biography about Abel and would like to find interesting or relevant facts about him?

Abel was born in the biblical land of Israel. According to the Bible, Abel did not marry or have children. He is known for his role in offering a pleasing sacrifice to God, which was accepted over his brother Cain's offering, leading to Cain's jealousy and subsequent murder of Abel. These events are found in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

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Hebrews 11:4 - By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks. [NKJV]