

Best Answer

1. ירבעם בן נבט

1. Jerovam Son of Nevat

2. נדב בן ירבעם

2. Nadav son of Jerovam

3. בעשא בן אחיה

3. Ba'asha son of Ahia

4. אלה בן בעשא

4. Ela son of Ba'asha

5. זמרי

5. Zimri

6. עמרי

6. Omri

7. אחאב בן עמרי

7. Ahab son of Omri

8. אחזיהו בן אחאב

8. Ahazyahu son of Ahab

9. יהורם בן אחאב

9. Jehoram son of Ahab

10. יהוא בן נמשי

10. Jehu son of Nimshi

11. יהואחז בן יהוא

11. Jehoahaz son of Jehu

12. יואש בן יוהאחז

12. Joash son of Jehoahaz

13. ירבעם בן יואש

13. Jerovam son of Joash

14. זכריה בן ירבעם

14. Zekaria son of Jerovam

15. מנחם בן גדי

15. Menahem son of Gadi

16. פקחיה בן מנחם

16. Pekahia son of Menahem

17. פקח בן רמליהו

17. Pekah Son of Remalyahu

18. הושע בן אלה

18. Joshea son of Ela

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Q: What were the names of the kings of the northern kingdom of Israel?
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What names were used to designate the northern and southernportions of the Hebrew kingdom?

Israel (ישראל) and Judea (יהודה)

What are the names of all the Kings in the Bible?

david ANSWER: If you would like to read about the Kings of the Southern and Northern kingdoms of Israel you can go to I and II Kings. Second Chronicles has a listing also. To read about Saul and David I and II Samuel will give you information.

What are the names of the divided kingdoms of israel and judah?

Nowadays, Israel is not divided into two kingdoms, but thousands of years ago, Israel was split into two kingdoms called "Yehuda" and "Israel". Both kingdoms were Jewish and both had their own ledership, but only one kingdom, "Yehuda", was oficially ruling the land of Israel and Jerusalem

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starting about 4000 years ago, here is a list of names for Israel: Canaan The land of Israel The Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judea The (United) Kingdom of Israel Palestine In 1948, part of it became Israel, and the other part was supposed to become Palestine, but the Arab nations refused the partition.

How many good kings were there in Israel?

19 kINGS OF ISRAEL (northern Kingdom after division in 975 B.C.) 20 KINGS OF JUDAH (southern Kingdom) ________________ 39 Kings total *If you want their names, let me know.

What are 10 different names giving to the Jewish holy land?

Canaan; Divided Kingdom; Eretz Israel; Israel; Judea; Palestine; Pelesheth; Philistia; Samaria; United Kingdom

Who were the kings in The Bible?

There were many but the first king of Israel was Saul who disobeyed God and then David became king and his descendents after him. Read 1 Samuel - 2 Chronicles to find out more specific names of kings of Israel and Judah (the nation that split from Israel)

Four names of countries in United Kingdom?

England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

What are the names of the countries that make up to United kingdom?

The four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are: England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

Why was the names of mothers to the kings in Judah mentioned in the Bible and not with the kings of Israel?

== == The reason is that the author of I and II Kings wanted to give special emphasis to the line of David through the kings of Judah. It would be through this line of kings that King Jesus would come. I and II Kings is anticipating the coming of the King of Kings and is preparing the reader to look for such a king from this line.

What were the names of the 2 kingdoms after the division of the 12 tribes of Israel?

Judah and Israel. After Solomon's death, the people approached his son Rehav'am (Rehoboam) and asked that he now lower the tax. He ignored the counsel of his elder advisers and refused the people's request. This led the Ten Tribes to break away (1 Kings ch.12).

What are the names of the kings of lsrael?

They had many kings but the main ones are King Saul, David, Solomon , Jehu.Answer:In the Hebrew Bible:1) The kings of the united Israelite kingdom were Saul, David, and Solomon.After Solomon: 2) The kingdom of Judah (Southern Kingdom): Rehav'am (Rehoboam), Aviyah (Abijah), Asa, Yehoshaphat (Jehoshaphat), Yehoram (Jehoram), Ahaziah, queen Athaliah, Yehoash (Jehoash), Amatziah (Amaziah), Uzziah, Yotam (Jotham), Ahaz, Hizkiah (Hezekiah), Menasheh (Manasseh), Amon, Yoshiah (Josiah), Yehoahaz (Jehoahaz), Yehoyakim (Jehoiakim), Yehoyachin (Jehoiachin, a.k.a. Jeconiah), Tzidkiah (Zedekiah).3) The kingdom of Israel (Ten Tribes; Northern Kingdom; Samaria): Yerav'am (Jeroboam), Nadav (Nadab), Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ah'av (Ahab), Ahaziah, Yoram (Joram), Yehu (Jehu), Yehoahaz (Jehoahaz), Yehoash (Jehoash), Yerav'am (Jeroboam II), Zachariah, Shallum, Menachem, Pekahiah, Pekah, Hoshea.How many of the kings were righteous? David (1 Kings 15:5), Solomon (see 1 Kings 3:3), Asa (1 Kings 15:11), Yehoshaphat (1 Kings 22:43), Yehu (2 Kings 10:30), Yehoash (2 Kings 12:3), Amatziah (2 Kings 14:3), Azariah (2 Kings 15:3), Yotam (2 Kings 15:34), Hizkiah (2 Kings 18:3), and Josiah (2 Kings 22:2). With one exception, the righteous kings were all those of Judah, not the Ten Tribes.