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Israel and North America have the largest Jewish populations.

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Q: Where is judaism predominant today?
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What is Judaism also called today?

Judaism is called Judaism.

What is the religion today for the Jews?


Is Islam practiced in Israel?

Yes. Although Judaism is the predominant religion, many religions are practiced in Israel, including Islam.

What is the predominant religion practiced in the USA today?

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What is the present or predominant religion of Samaria today?

Christianity and Islam Christianity is the answer.

Is judaism still praticed today?

Judaism is widely practiced today (21st Century). Also, separate from its practice, Judaism is arguably STUDIED today by more people than ever before in its history.

Who practices judaism today?

The people who follow Judaism are called Jews.

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In the first half of the 20th century Conservative Judaism had fast growth. In the 1990's the Conservative Judaism was the largest denomination. Today it is not the largest denomination in America.

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