It wasn't really a "cross" as the religions of this world commonly think of it. Everywhere in the English translation of The Bible where it says "cross," the "originally inspired" GREEK word is "stauros":
"...'If thou be the Son of God, come down from the CROSS." (Matt.27:40 KJV)
Same verse [LIT] Literal Bible w/Strong's Definitions: "...'if Son you are of God! And, come down from the CROSS! (STAUROS... a STAKE or POST (as set upright), i.e. (specifically) a pole or cross (as an instrument of capital punishment); figuratively, exposure to death, i.e. SELF-DENIAL; by implication, the atonement of Christ: KJV--cross.)" (LIT Literal Bible w/Strong's Definitions: Matt.27:40)
So, Jesus was murdered impaled on a "tree trunk"... a "pole" positioned in an upright fashion by setting it in a hole in the ground. His arms were excruciatingly extended, pinioned above His head by nails... not extended out to the side as many picture afforded by the alleged "cross" that this world imagines. The Romans killed many a criminal in this fashion [the stauros; an upright tree trunk]; and it would have required a lot of effort to construct a mechanically effective "cross member" strong enough in such quantity to handle all the punishments they handed out back in the day.
Halley's Bible Handbook says this about "crucifixion" [the way Jesus was murdered]:
"...Crucifixion was Rome's punishment for slaves, foreigners, and criminals who were not Roman citizens. It was the most agonizing and ignominious death a cruel age could devise. Nails were driven through the hands and feet, and the victim was left hanging there in agony, starvation, insufferable thirst and excruciating convulsions of pain. Death usually followed in four to six days. In Jesus' case it was over in six hours. (see under John 19:33-34.)" (Halley's Bible Handbook with the King James Version; Classic Edition: LUKE p.523 - Crucifixion)
Why did Jesus get hung on a "cross?"
First of all... it was the method of the day; of the Roman Empire... of the time when He walked the earth as a man. Also, it was to "fulfill the prophecies": He was to be numbered with murderers and sinners.
"He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering." (Isa.53:3)
"He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth; He was led like a lamb to the slaughter..." (verse 7).
"...My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me? Why are you so far from saving Me, so far from the words of My groaning?..." (Ps.22:1-2).
"All who see Me mock Me, they hurl insults, shaking their heads..." (verse 7).
Anyone who knows and understand who Jesus really WAS and IS [the Creator God of the Old Testament who MADE US - see John 1:3]... and who understand what He endured on the "stauros" can begin to understand the SELFLESS LOVE He demonstrated [and still demonstrates today to those who REMEMBER it as He commands His servants to do - Luke 22:19] for the sake of His creation, MANKIND. Because Jesus DIDN'T DIE FOR ANY SINS [disobedience to God's Laws - I John 3:4] THAT HE COMMITTED -- but FOR OURS!
For those able to understand... Jesus showed us THE DEATH THAT YOU AND I REALLY DESERVE FOR OUR SINS [for our disobedience to His Laws]... because it's DISOBEDIENT MANKIND who IS HEADED FOR THAT DEATH... unless we REPENT of our disobedience [our SINS]:
"...'Thus it is written, and thus it BEHOVED CHRIST TO SUFFER, and to RISE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY: and that REPENTANCE and REMISSION [forgiveness] OF SINS should be preached in His name among ALL NATIONS... and ye are WITNESSES of these things." (Luke 24:46-48)
Jesus got hung on a "cross" to show mankind where they are headed unless they repent of their selfish, rebellious attitudes and ways; and turn to Him in Faith and SORROW for having rejected Him and His Commandments. To reveal to those who are able to see and understand that we are to LOVE GOD... and ONE ANOTHER -- not argue, and fight, and hate, and resent, despise, and kill one another.
"This is My Commandment, That YE LOVE ONE ANOTHER, as I HAVE LOVED YOU. Greater Love hath NO MAN THAN THIS, that A MAN LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS FRIENDS. Ye are My friends, IF YE DO WHATSOEVER I COMMAND YOU... These things I COMMAND YOU, that YE LOVE ONE ANOTHER." (John 15:12-17)
The Peace and Love that everyone in the world wants keeps escaping us, because we refuse to Love one another. Our "selfish, rebellious" human nature won't let us do that. That's why Jesus reveals to those able to hear His voice, that we all need to OVERCOME what we are, and BECOME LIKE HIM... by following His example, by each of us "bearing our cross"... our "stauros"... by DENYING OURSELVES [as Jesus denied Himself... for us... that day] from succumbing to our baser nature and submitting to HIS:
"According to HIS DIVINE POWER hath given unto us all things that pertain unto Life and Godliness, through THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM that hath CALLED US TO GLORY and VIRTUE: whereby are given unto us EXCEEDING GREAT and PRECIOUS Promises: that by these YE MIGHT be partakers of THE DIVINE NATURE [not through our vile human nature], having escaped [through Faith in CHRIST'S SHED BLOOD] the corruption that is in the world through LUST." (II Peter 1:3-4)
"So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises TO YOUR LIFE. Then your Faith will produce A LIFE OF MORAL EXCELLENCE. A life of moral excellence LEADS TO KNOWING GOD BETTER. Knowing God LEADS TO LOVE FOR OTHERS... and finally YOU WILL GROW TO HAVE GENUINE LOVE FOR EVERYONE. The more you grow like this, the more YOU WILL BECOME PRODUCTIVE and USEFUL in your KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. But those who fail to develop THESE VIRTUES are blind or, at least, very shortsighted. They have already FORGOTTEN THAT GOD HAS CLEANSED THEM from their OLD LIFE of SIN [disobedience to God's Commandments - I John 3:4) (verses 5-9 NLT New Living Translation)
That's why Jesus got hung on the "cross" [stauros].
Their both hung on a cross.
He wasn't hung he was crusified, so our sins can be forgiven...
there's where Jesus Christ died on the cross. Jesus Christ saved us!!
a psychiatrist.
He was nailed to the wooden cross by his hands and feet.
The cross without Jesus on it signifies that He is risen & no longer on the cross..Jesus is alive.
No one, he was guilty. Why do you think he was hung on the cross?
There was no real reason for hanging Him on the cross, they just hated Jesus and to 'justify' this, they accused Him of blasphemy.
If Jesus Christ had not died on the cross or not have been resurrected there would be no Christianity. Jesus Christ is Christianity. Christ ---ianity.
Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross, not a tree. The cross was used as a method of execution by the Roman authorities at that time.
Jesus wasn't hung. He was crucified on a cross outside of Jerusalem.He was hung in Italy.
No saint died on the cross with Jesus christ , as jesus died on the cross for the sins of all mankind.