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Q: What r all the ride names at sunsplash in Roseville CA?
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drawing all names put in box, star draws his or her partner

What are the names of some of the Rides?

Everyone in Max's gang (with included Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman and Angel) all named themselves since they couldn't remember the names they were given at birth. They all adapted 'Ride' as a last name, making them a family.

How much do kids ride bikes?

No solid answer, kids aren't all alike. some ride a lot, some don't ride at all.

How talk do you need to be to ride all the rides in Disney world?

48 inches to ride all the rides

What nerves allows you to ride a horse?

You need all the nerves in your body to be able to ride a horse and ride it well.

How do you beat Kirby air ride?

You have to complete all the check boxes for top ride, air ride and city trial

Can girls horse?

if you mean do girls ride horses the answer is "yes!" A lot of girls ride horses i ride all the time!

How tall do you have to be to ride drop zone and vortex and all the other rides please tel me what the names r andhow tall u have t be?

i think you have to be 1 inch and you have to be 10 years old

Can you ride your boyfriend now?

Wait 3-5 dates, then you can ride all you want. :)

Do you need reins to ride a horse yes or no?

Not necessarily, no. All you need to ride is the horse.

Can amish ride bikes?

Yes, the Amish people can and do ride bikes all the time.

How tall do you have to be to ride the bat at wonderland?

You have to be at least 54'' to ride all thrill rides especially batman rides