I do not see any reason why you shouldn't. Hair rollers were not designed exclusively for women. If a guy wishes to have his hair curled then he should be complimented for his courage to experiement with different styles. Why would there be a need to be so uptight about such things? There is nothing wrong with it.
Because it's much less damage than a tatoo or lazer hair removal. Ditto: Yes, if he wants to do something to look good, or have his own style, I can't see why you wouldn't want to help him out. You might want to teach him how to do the styling on his own, just for independence. If the idea of rollers is the problem, it sounds more like the issue is yours, and he is just expressing himself with a confidence and a self awarness that many might envy. Relax, at least he isn't asking you to do something that would require months to grown out.
yes, but you would rather ask us if we wanted a question? asking us if you wanted a question seems like a question but not a good one.
I think the question you wanted to ask was... "What is always in the middle of a taxicab" And my answer would have been... "an i"
If you are asking for a translation, you would say "Je t'aime toujours"
depends on your weight. a lightweight rider can get good results from 6 gram rollers where a heavy rider would benefit from 4 gram rollers.
"Where do you live?" is present tense. The person asking the question wants to know where someone lives now. If the person asking the question wanted to know where someone used to live, some time in the past, the sentence would be, "Where did you live?" If the person asking the question wanted to know where someone was going to live, some time in the future, the sentence would be, "Where will you live?"
I have always wanted one billion dollars for my birthday!
You could do that but it would make sense to perm your hair, blow dry, and then put your hair in rollers!
i would live on the plaines because in the city theres too much people asking for food and on the plaines there are less people
It depends, some would think it is some would think it is not. You should always be clear on what you want when you ask someone to go somewhere with you. That way no-one can misunderstand.
I would not recommend foam rollers for thick or stubborn hair. They are more likely to give in to the form of your hair than they are to reshape it.
either he would be liking someone who is your friend or may u would be liking him and he would have known this and he wanted to know that u are jealous of him asking about someone other
I would say two but you could always spell it as one, if you wanted.