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Q: If you have hollister vouchers can you spend them in Abercrombie and fitch?
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Which store is better hollister abercrombie or a and f?

It depends what you want, and what your budget is. Abercrombie actually makes hollister. Hollister is basically the same as abercrombie, but a cheaper version. They don't go to as much detail with the hollister clothes as abercrombie, that is why they are cheaper. To give you an idea of the price ranges, a printed t-shirt in hollister is from about £15 to £25, most of them being about 20. Abercrombie and Fitch's printed t-shirts are usually about £30. Polo tops: hollister- £30 to £40, a&f - usually £50. I love abercrombie and i also love hollister. I have a couple of polo's from abercrombie and they have all lasted well and are really comfortable. The jeans for abercrombie are slightly better quality than the hollister but more expensive. Although, my opinion is that the hollister hoodies are actually softer and more hard wearing that abercrombie ones, when abercrombie hoodies go in the wash, sometimes they go a little hard, so if its a hoodie you are after go for hollister, not only is it cheaper, but in my opinion they are better. Where as if its a polo, definetly go for abercrombie. But its your circumstances and your choice. Got lots of money to spend? go got abercrombie. If not, go to hollister, its still almost as good. Some other brands like a&f and hollister are Tommy hilfigur, Ralph Lauren and Jack wills. xxx

Which is better American eagle or abercrombie?

It depends on your price range. If you have the money to spend excesses of 30$ for single T-shirts and over 60$ on shorts, then Abercrombie is probably your best choice. However, it is all about the image of what is "cool" and what makes a person "popular". Ultimately and sadly, the "coolness factor" for clothing ranks as follows for most people : 1. Abercrombie & Fitch ( and Abercrombie Kids) 2. Hollister 3. American Eagle

Why are Hollister and Abercrombie Fitch so expensive?

Mainly because of their great quality & casual comfort. :) Why would you even ask that? They aren't even expensive. Like honestly, every week I go shopping, and spend atleast $500 at each on of those stores.

If you want to buy faded cool jeans but you do not want to spend too much and your going for that Abercrombie look but do not want to shop at Abercrombie where can you go?

You could go to Hollister, American Eagle Outfitters, and Aeropostale for the same jeans but for a lower price. Just remember that Hollister is made by the same people who make Abercrombie

How much money does the average USA shopper spend in a shopping mall?

Well, I myself(Chloe Nick) Spend about 100 dollars at Hollister every Week, and 100 Dollars at Abercrombie and Fitch Every week.So that's about 200 dollars a week. I have been shopping since I was 9 years old. If I live to be say 92 years, I would have spent 6,059,000$, in my lifetime

Is Abercrombie Expensive?

Yes!!!.... Don't go there for normal, everyday clothes. It may be cute, but you could easily afford Hollister or Aeropostale way, way more. It is cute and all, but it is 99.99 $ for a pair of jeans. Go to Hollister it is way, way, way better! Hollister is almost the same but i suggest Aeropostale the most. Only things on sale at Abercrombie could be everyday normal clothes I agree. If you get a few things at Abercrombie you can be happy, and Aeropostale and Hollister have the same quality, at more reasonable prices. Make sure you get something on sale or worth its value.

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No they do not. However, if you visit Ireland, Primark trades as Penney's, which do have vouchers.

Should you buy American Eagle clothing?

If you like the style and you are in need of more clothes then... yes, you should. Usually they are somewhat expensive but not as overpriced as Abercrombie or Hollister. If you like American Eagle then check out Aeropostale because they are usually a lot cheaper and also almost always have sales on.They have great clothing however they are pricey along with Hollister & Abercrombie & Fitch! What I recommend is buying it on marketplace website for much less ~ even brand new with tags!! My favorite place to shop is BONANZLE!! There is a seller on bonanzle who is constantly selling designer and boutique clothing insprired by celebrity styles. The clothing is fabulous quality and at VERY low prices compared to what you would spend elsewhere.

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John Lewis vouchers used to buy products by John Lewis. You can go to their official website to spend their vouchers or stop by one of their stores...

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No they dont currently accept them.