There are several types of manuals available for this type appliance. User manuals can be found at The diy repair materials are available in paper format only from various sources, such as For reference to PDF service manual for gas and electric Kenmore dryers see you will need to have appliance model number (it is not series 80). The model number can be found behind the door of your unit. Can find it through the Kenmore web site. enjoy.
Kenmore washing machine model 110.15862400 stop working after feeling up with water?
While anything is possible, this just isn't feasible.
on line because my friend has a savage series a
Since I'm buying a washer and dryer I had to calculate this myself ... The cubic feet of the Kenmore washer model 110 heavy duty is 2.8 cubic feet. Measured to the top water line 14.5 inches and using the radius of the tub of 10.375 inches.
it does not have to have a separate line from the utility...but it typically has a line running from the already existing line within the home... like remove an elbow from the furnace line and install a tee, then a shutoff valve, then the line to the dryer. After the line arrives in the viscinity of the dryer, it should have another shutoff valve prior to connection to the dryer. Local codes may require additional fittings ot shutoffs... we love our gas dryer... wouldn't have an electric model...
filter dryer
No. An electric dryer has no burner or combustion controls.
Install an air line dryer.
5500Watts/220V=25 Amps
Yes, there are gas dryer adapters available. These adapters are used to convert the fitting on the gas supply line to match the connection on the dryer. It is important to ensure that the adapter is compatible with both the gas supply line and the dryer.