The technique described involving repetition above is replication.
WHEN YOU ARE BLIND........... dumbo.
Method acting involving living truthfully in a given set of imaginary circumstances
repeating key phrases and descriptions
This technique is used to suggest visual movement by repeating elements of art such as line, color, shapes, and edges.
Repeating the same consonant in a word is called consonance. It is a literary technique used to create a rhythmic sound and add emphasis to words.
Isorhythmic overlap is a compositional technique in music where two different rhythms, typically a repeating pattern in the melody (color) and a repeating pattern in the harmony (talea), are combined or layered on top of each other. This creates a complex and interwoven texture that adds richness and depth to the music.
double blind technique
He used mostly the technique referred to as tesselation. He specialized in repeating patterns and optical illusions.
Isorhythm (from the Greek for "the same rhythm") is a musical technique that arranges a fixed pattern of pitches with a repeating rhythmic pattern.
Visual Rhythm