It will happen no matter what, OK? They will find whatever they can. If you are rich, its that; if you are a little perverted, its that; if you are perfect, it will be that because of jealousy. Show that you are not the easy target and you will be fine.
Because they themselves are bullied.
because they look different then the person that bullied them
10% of kids around the world are being bullied regularly
He was bullied because he was half white.
No, she was bullied for being different.
Yes. Because being bullied is a way of humiliation which is not good.
Abut 8,000 a year in america
Hey, It's not just you. I want to get bullied bullied to. I mean I really want to get bullied. I think we want to get bullied because it'll fill some sort of void or gap that we have in our lives.
she wasn't bullied because her cousin was the head of the cheerleader squad so she really wasn't even bullied.
He only bullied her because she had the Babylon Rogues what Jet was trying to get from her.
the real reason why he got bullied because he has only one kidney.
People get bullied because the bully is jealous of the person who they are bullying or they have mental problems...