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Islam diffused and still is diffusing to all areas of the world.

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Q: What areas did Islam diffuse to?
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Where did Islam diffuse?

All over the world but with different percentages to total population.

Do molecule diffuse faster in areas of high temperature?

Yes they do.

Where are the major areas islam expanded?

There are a few major areas Islam expanded too. Islam expands from South to East Asia.

What areas do the neurotransmitters diffuse through?

Primarily the Brain: from the Axons to the Dendrites.

Where did Islam start and where did it diffuse to?

It started by start of universe creation. It diffused to allover the world. Refer to related question below.

What areas did Islam influence?

Across the globe, people of every race and nationality have converted to Islam.

In what areas was Islam spread?

All over the world

Islam area of the world?

Islam is spread all over the areas of the world although with different percentages.

Where is the central focus on Islam in Pakistan?

In all areas and all cities the Muslims are in majority and focus on Islam.

What is the eventual result of diffusion describe concentration prior to and at this point?

The eventual result of diffusion is equilibrium. The concentrations prior to this point would be uneven. The solutes then diffuse from areas of high solute concentration to areas of low solute concentration. After diffusion, at equilibrium, the concentration will be even in different areas.

Where are the areas of religion of Islam?

Islam religion is spread all over the world. However, Islam religion is major religion in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia.

What are some areas far from the birthplace of Islam where the religion has spread?

Islam has spread to all continents of the world , the farthest point is Alaska .